
Latest version: v1.24.0

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- Read and convert cross section definitions.

- Solve gridadmin off-by-one errors for pumps.

- Add 'dmax' to nodes output.

- Changed external API function name to "make_gridadmin".



- Fixed issue when reprojecting 0 grid refinements with pyproj 2.*

- Fixed issue when writing 0 pumps with h5py 2.*

- Fixed missing transpose when writing pumps.coordinates to HDF5.

- Added obstacles.



- Added threedigrid_builder.grid.geo_utils with segmentize and line_substring functions.
These are used to compute the Lines.line_geometries for channel lines.

- Fixed a bug in the refinement areas code (Fortran) on Ubuntu 20.04.

- Added the Pipes model that is able to compute Nodes & Lines from Pipes.
Pipes are also included in the calculation_type and bottom_level computations.

- Added 1D-2D lines for connection nodes, manholes, and channels.

- Added culverts, orifices, and weirs.

- Added pumps (pumpstations).

- Settings and metadata are read from the SQLite. Some metadata (like model_slug) can
also be provided via the main (make_grid) function. The metadata is written to the
root 'attrs' of the output gridadmin.h5. The settings are written into datasets inside
newly addres groups "grid_settings" and "tables_settings".

- Fixes for models with no channels.

- Add an optional progress callback.



- Added public API with 1 function: `threedigrid_builder.make_grid`.



- Fixed automatic PyPI upload.



- Partially ported functionality from inpy (generate 3di files, makegrid): 1D channel
grid (including calculation_type and bottom_level), and 2D open water grid.

- Added gridadmin and geopackage output.

- Breaking change: the interpolation between cross section locations (channels)
now also extrapolates for lines and nodes that are not in between two
connection nodes. This happens only if the channel has at least 2 cross section
locations. When extrapolatic, the line.cross_weight is less than 0 or greater than 1.

- Breaking change: missing or empty values in float datasets in the output gridadmin are
now denoted by NaN (not-a-number) instead of -9999.0.

- Breaking change: integers in the output gridadmin are now always 32-bit (instead of
sometimes 32-bit and sometimes 64-bit).

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