
Latest version: v0.20.0

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Known Open Issues (Blocker or Critical)

- [THRIFT-3877]( - C++ library don't work with HTTP (csharp server, cpp client; need cross test enhancement)
- [THRIFT-5468]( - Swift service generator doesn't support oneway
- [THRIFT-5654]( - LNK4042 and LNK2019 in

Build Process

- [THRIFT-5747] - warning: The macro `AC_HELP_STRING' is obsolete. You should run autoupdate. and some more warnings


- [THRIFT-5670] - recvTimeout is not printed correctly for THRIFT_EAGAIN

Compiler (General)

- [THRIFT-5733] - Building code with circular `include`s can result in tons of memory usage and eventual segfault


- [THRIFT-5749] - Option to enable RTTI info
- [THRIFT-5740] - inherited interfaces should be explicitly listed in Delphi class decl


- [THRIFT-4606] - LGPL license file still present


- [THRIFT-5635] - Replace some removed functions with new counterparts


- [THRIFT-5744] - Switch to slog for go library
- [THRIFT-5745] - Implement slog.LogValuer on go TStructs


- [THRIFT-5734] - generated code may lack required capitalization at class names
- [THRIFT-5742] - Add addRange() function to Set helpers to support adding data from arbitrary enumerable containers


- [THRIFT-5738] - Compiler build fails on Mac


- [THRIFT-5746] - Upgrade to net8
- [THRIFT-5743] - add TLS1.3 to default protocols where available
- [THRIFT-5726] - package upgrades and consolidation/improvement of build targets checks


- [THRIFT-5752] - Add TTransportFactoryInterface
- [THRIFT-5754] - Fix PHP 8.1 deprecates passing null to non-nullable internal function parameters
- [THRIFT-5753] - PHP 8.1 deprecated warning about return type in jsonSerialize functions


- [THRIFT-5688] - Add PyPI publishing github actions


Known Open Issues (Blocker or Critical)

- [THRIFT-3877]( - C++ library don't work with HTTP (csharp server, cpp client; need cross test enhancement)
- [THRIFT-5468]( - Swift service generator doesn't support oneway
- [THRIFT-5654]( - LNK4042 and LNK2019 in

Build Process

- [THRIFT-5701]( - Add dependabot


- [THRIFT-5725]( - Thrift SSL server stops working if the file descriptor returned is zero
- [THRIFT-5716]( - TMemoryBuffer resizing might shrink the buffer size due to uint32_t overflow

Compiler (General)

- [THRIFT-5690]( - Constant expects type to be defined before


- [THRIFT-5686]( - Add comparer and capacity arguments to container classes

- [THRIFT-5731]( - Handle ErrAbandonRequest automatically


- [THRIFT-5717]( - uuid sets and map keys may throw on some Haxe targets
- [THRIFT-5704]( - Superfluous block scope in generated write() code
- [THRIFT-5703]( - Haxe 4.30 emits "Local variable retval used without being initialized" on generated code
- [THRIFT-5692]( - Support for deprecated methods (via annotation)
- [THRIFT-5707]( - deprecation warning fixes for :extern and :enum


- [THRIFT-5700]( - Migration to JakartaEE and Apache HttpComponents 5
- [THRIFT-5711]( - FutureClient does not extend when service extends from another service
- [THRIFT-5702]( - Support Java 8
- [THRIFT-5696]( - does not allow non-default TConfiguration
- [THRIFT-5653]( - Fix Java UUID typeid


- [THRIFT-5674]( - Server implementation exceptions are not sent to client in ES6 promise-style invocation


- [THRIFT-5684]( - Upgrade to net7.0


- [THRIFT-5710]( - NodeJS header transport leaks headers between all instances


- [THRIFT-5723]( - Php8.1 fix warnings


- [THRIFT-5714]( - add TJSONProtocol support in thrift-swift


Known Open Issues (Blocker or Critical)

- [THRIFT-3877]( - C++ library don't work with HTTP (csharp server, cpp client; need cross test enhancement)
- [THRIFT-5468]( - Swift service generator doesn't support oneway

Reopened issues

- [THRIFT-5601]( - Typedef after first use causes incorrect go code


- [THRIFT-5685]( - Compiler generates wrong go code for forward defined types in optional fields
- [THRIFT-5679]( - libthrift-0.17.0 has wrong version numbers in MANIFEST.MF


Known Open Issues (Blocker or Critical)

- [THRIFT-3877]( - C++ library don't work with HTTP (csharp server, cpp client; need cross test enhancement)
- [THRIFT-5468]( - Swift service generator doesn't support oneway

Compiler (General)

- [THRIFT-5587]( - Introduce uuid as additional builtin type
- [THRIFT-5591]( - Add uuid type to IDL and implement reference code
- [THRIFT-5626]( - Parser should not confuse data types and field names
- [THRIFT-5627]( - More consistent syntax for cpp_type
- [THRIFT-5652]( - IDL uuid literals can be improved
- [THRIFT-5669]( - "required" keyword is illegal in a "throws" clause


- [THRIFT-5661]( - TOutput: add zephyr-specific strerror_s implementation
- [THRIFT-5658]( - TProtocol: support zephyr byteorder
- [THRIFT-5659]( - protocol: declare when methods override

D language

- [THRIFT-5647]( - Fix undeclared identifier ECONNRESET on macOS


- [THRIFT-5618]( - More consistent naming of container classes
- [THRIFT-5620]( - Option to force usage of COM types to allow for cross-module references
- [THRIFT-5656]( - Escape Delphi keywords with '&' prefix instead of '_' suffix
- [THRIFT-5619]( - make sure CheckReadBytesAvailable() and CountConsumedMessageBytes() handle negative sizes properly
- [THRIFT-5622]( - Garbled test output with multithreaded clients
- [THRIFT-5625]( - SysUtils.TGuidHelper collides with ThriftUtils.TGuidHelper


- [THRIFT-5636]( - Broken client in erlang client library


- [THRIFT-5601]( - Typedef after first use causes incorrect go code
- [THRIFT-5650]( - Add UUID support in go


- [THRIFT-5593]( - Implement uuid for hx

- [THRIFT-3956]( - Java keywords that are legal in IDL can lead to generated code that will not compile
- [THRIFT-4655]( - Parser fails on the word "from"
- [THRIFT-5631]( - Execution failed for task ':generateBeanJava'.
- [THRIFT-5632]( - Fix java lib pmd main offending errors


- [THRIFT-5646]( - Kotlin library should check to see if Gradle is present


- [THRIFT-5610]( - Inconsistent constructors TSocketTransport
- [THRIFT-5623]( - ref to disposed instance should be set to null
- [THRIFT-5624]( - suboptimal performance of the c# named pipe server transport in multithread servers
- [THRIFT-5628]( - MaxMessageSize is never reset on a read buffer
- [THRIFT-5639]( - ToString() should use InvariantCulture


- [THRIFT-5208]( - OCaml codegen exception pattern match syntax error
- [THRIFT-5642]( - OCaml in docker build environment is broken


- [THRIFT-5617]( - T(SSL)Socket TCP keep-alive incorrectly applies SO_KEEPALIVE to IPPROTO_TCP


- [THRIFT-5124]( - Cannot use reserved language keyword
- [THRIFT-5606]( - Wrong indent for const double
- [THRIFT-5600]( - Upgrade rust toolchain to 1.61 and edition 2021
- [THRIFT-5643]( - Please publish latest version of the Rust lib to


- [THRIFT-5629]( - Add UUID support for Swift
- [THRIFT-4547]( - Finish the conversion to native swift (, cross test)
- [THRIFT-5621]( - Create Swift Tutorial
- [THRIFT-5630]( - Swift TSocketServer not working on Linux


- [THRIFT-5634]( - thrift docs picture was broken


Known Open Issues (Blocker or Critical)

- [THRIFT-3877]( - C++ library don't work with HTTP (csharp server, cpp client; need cross test enhancement)
- [THRIFT-5468]( - Swift service generator doesn't support oneway

Removed Languages

- [THRIFT-5476]( - Deprecate Common Lisp support

NB. CL had been finally dropped from 0.17.0 due to lack of active maintainers. In the meantime there is some ongoing work to reintegrate CL support in 0.18.0 version.

Build Process

- [THRIFT-5565]( - upgrade travis ci base image to xenial
- [THRIFT-5572]( - current travis build is broken (error timeout) within kerl erlang build step
- [THRIFT-5575]( - Create a GitHub workflow using CMake


- [THRIFT-5093]( - lib: cpp: test: clarify effect of MemoryPolicy on TMemoryBuffer
- [THRIFT-5510]( - On Windows NOMINMAX and WIN32_LEAN_AND_MEAN are unset even if set before
- [THRIFT-5515]( - Oneway requests can stuck in TNonblockingServer with TSSLSocket
- [THRIFT-5529]( - Missing space "<::" in C++ generator
- [THRIFT-5576]( - fix old-style cast at const value ctor/copy and redundant copy at ctor

Common LISP

- [THRIFT-5501]( - Remove Common Lisp support
- [THRIFT-5567]( - remove reference to common lisp namespace

Compiler (General)

- [THRIFT-5506]( - C26495 variable "t_field::req_" not initialized, t_field.h:40
- [THRIFT-5540]( - Can't use a typedef for a container type containing enums in a constant
- [THRIFT-5588]( - Remove slist/senum from IDL


- [THRIFT-5599]( - contrib/fb303 does not compile after C++ library refactorings


- [THRIFT-5531]( - duplicate constant declarations
- [THRIFT-5586]( - User-Agent header not conforming to RFC 7231


- [THRIFT-5592]( - Update documentation and IDL definition files for uuid type


- [THRIFT-5536]( - Fix cross language tests


- [THRIFT-5495]( - Go lib server not close client when shutdown
- [THRIFT-5527]( - generated Process function in go will swallow exceptions defined in thrift IDL
- [THRIFT-5539]( - Performance penalty of using TDebugProtocol.DuplicateTo
- [THRIFT-5569]( - generated Go code crashes when reading invalid map/set/list
- [THRIFT-5583]( - Add a skip_remote arg to go compiler
- [THRIFT-5605]( - Go client middleware has no (easy) access to IDL exceptions
- [THRIFT-5609]( - TJSONProtocol is unsafe to be used with TDeserializerPool


- [THRIFT-5589]( - Misc *.hx source files do not compile anymore
- [THRIFT-5590]( - Complex initialisations (sets, maps, etc) are broken in Haxe


- [THRIFT-5528]( - Incorrect HTML link for referenced typedefs


- [THRIFT-4086]( - Java compiler generates different meta data depending on order of structures in file
- [THRIFT-5485]( - SuppressWarnings is placed above Javadoc
- [THRIFT-5494]( - byte count of FrameBuffer(AbstractNonblockingServer.readBufferBytesAllocated) is not subtracted
- [THRIFT-5502]( - Is it necessary to report CONNECTION RESET as an ERROR?
- [THRIFT-5519]( - Java async client loses exceptions in void methods
- [THRIFT-5520]( - add method to convert Option type to java Optional
- [THRIFT-5521]( - In Java lib, add param for option_type to generate JDK8 optional types
- [THRIFT-5522]( - Upgrade to gradle 6 for Java build
- [THRIFT-5525]( - java gen to use reuse_objects instead of reuse-objects as a consistent param casing
- [THRIFT-5526]( - java gen to use private_members instead of private-members as a consistent param casing
- [THRIFT-5533]( - Fix Java warnings: param, return and deprecation
- [THRIFT-5543]( - Java lib FieldMetaData should be more type-safe by adding type parameter to metadata registerations
- [THRIFT-5544]( - add java code gen param to support including field annotation as metadata
- [THRIFT-5545]( - Follow newer gradle convention in organizing source code directories
- [THRIFT-5552]( - Apply clang-format to java code gen file
- [THRIFT-5553]( - java library to use newer gradle API
- [THRIFT-5555]( - Java codegen and library to support future-returning client interface and implementation
- [THRIFT-5557]( - Move Java-only tests from /test to /lib/java
- [THRIFT-5560]( - Use JUnit 5 (Jupiter) for Java unit tests
- [THRIFT-5562]( - remove gradle wrapper jar file from source tree
- [THRIFT-5563]( - fix deprecation and enable xlint for java library
- [THRIFT-5568]( - Use spotless gradle plugin and google-java-format to enforce a consistent code format
- [THRIFT-5570]( - update java lib document about gradle usage
- [THRIFT-5581]( - Upgrade gradle version to 7.4+
- [THRIFT-5582]( - Improve
- [THRIFT-5584]( - Use gradle toolchain to specify build time Java version


- [THRIFT-5549]( - Json generator should indent properly while generating includes


- [THRIFT-5548]( - Kotlin code generator
- [THRIFT-5571]( - add metadata map building to kotlin generator
- [THRIFT-5580]( - Enhance the kotlin cross test suite


- [THRIFT-5505]( - error: 'close_generator' overrides a member function but is not marked 'override' [-Werror,-Winconsistent-missing-override]
- [THRIFT-5511]( - Full support for the new net6 "nullability" semantics
- [THRIFT-5514]( - C# test client slow in multithread mode
- [THRIFT-5577]( - netstd namespace directive creates matching subfolders
- [THRIFT-5578]( - #nullable disable collides with C lang versions < 8 (error CS8370)
- [THRIFT-5585]( - net5.0 end of support May 2022


- [THRIFT-5535]( - Ability to support connection on OpenHarmonyOS


- [THRIFT-5532]( - Perl Thrift/ headers bug


- [THRIFT-2059]( - Support for Python 3.4 enums
- [THRIFT-5449]( - Use select.poll instead of in Python TNonblockingServer if available
- [THRIFT-5467]( - CannotSendHeader exception with 0.15
- [THRIFT-5595]( - TSocket errors with SSLSocket


- [THRIFT-4100]( - Extract Rust read/write struct methods into a trait

Wish List

- [THRIFT-3461]( - Support Method Deprecation


Known Open Issues (Blocker or Critical)

- [THRIFT-3877]( - C++ library don't work with HTTP (csharp server, cpp client; need cross test enhancement)
- [THRIFT-5468]( - Swift service generator doesn't support oneway

Deprecated Languages

- [THRIFT-5476]( - Deprecate Common Lisp support

Breaking Changes

- (none)


- [THRIFT-5187]( - Add support for Unix domain sockets on Windows 10 or later
- [THRIFT-5418]( - C++ to_string and ostream operator not always generated
- [THRIFT-5456]( - ServerSocket doesn't ignore SIGPIPE

Common LISP

- [THRIFT-5476]( - Deprecate Common Lisp support


- [THRIFT-5471]( - Introduce delimiter and app_prefix options to erl generator


- [THRIFT-5461]( - Invalid golang code generated for optional set<binary> with a default value
- [THRIFT-5469]( - Go lib skip map value may cause stack overflow
- [THRIFT-5490]( - Improve memory efficiency in go THeader implementation
- [THRIFT-5509]( - Potential connection leaks caused by the connectivity check


- [THRIFT-5470]( - Error: Constraint check failure for haxe.ds.ObjectMap.K


- [THRIFT-5443]( - add support for partial deserialization of Thrift
- [THRIFT-5486]( - fix issues found by spotbugs
- [THRIFT-5512]( - Update java dependencies


- [THRIFT-5448]( - Wrong type mapping of thrift binary type


- [THRIFT-5401]( - MaxMessageSize reached exception thrown in TEndpointTransport
- [THRIFT-5408]( - Support for deprecated methods (via annotation)
- [THRIFT-5479]( - Add net 6 support
- [THRIFT-5480]( - TThreadPoolAsyncServer using TFramedTransport mistakenly drops client
- [THRIFT-5481]( - consolidate netstd server implementation details into one common model
- [THRIFT-5500]( - Uncompilable code when .thrift struct 'System' exists
- [THRIFT-5504]( - CA2254 Message template should be compile time constant


- [THRIFT-5055]( - Fix to create a CPAN distribution correctly
- [THRIFT-5416]( - Allow UDP Socket Client In Perl


- [THRIFT-5454]( - Python TProcessPoolServer does not spawn expected number of worker processes
- [THRIFT-5488]( - SystemError when using fast binary or compact protocol in python 3.10


- [THRIFT-5452]( - Make server optional
- [THRIFT-5457]( - Travis fails consistently on a Rust dependency

Test Suite

- [THRIFT-5450]( - AppVeyor CI does not run any MSVC tests?

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