*Recent Issues*
For the first time in `tidal-wave`, a few sub-point versions were released. This was an attempt to resolve problems in the GitHub Actions automated build procedures, and it failed. However, it turns out that the Python packages repository, PyPi, was [under attack](https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=39855619). Now that that has been resolved, this release should make available the normal artifacts :crossed_fingers: !
What's Changed
* New Top-Level Flag: `--transparent` by ebb-earl-co in https://github.com/ebb-earl-co/tidal-wave/pull/123
* Documentation Pull Request by ebb-earl-co in https://github.com/ebb-earl-co/tidal-wave/pull/124
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/ebb-earl-co/tidal-wave/compare/2024.3.5.2...2024.3.6
This software uses code of [FFmpeg](http://ffmpeg.org/); particularly, version 6.1.1, licensed under the [LGPLv2.1](http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/lgpl-2.1.html). Its source can be downloaded [here](https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/tree/568dfed06fa38c6cff3a33a444906792055cd2a9).