
Latest version: v6.5.2

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I've added a few more methods, and documented a little better.

Consider sponsoring me on github [here](https://github.com/sponsors/davidteather) or donating on paypal [here](https://www.paypal.me/dteather)

Also consider using this API as a service it supports this project [here](https://rapidapi.com/rapidapideveloper/api/tiktok2/endpoints)

**New Parameters**
* proxy - allows you to specify a proxy to make a call at. (Free proxies will most likely throw a BadResponseException)
* language - made in the last release, but now documented. Is able to change the language call, but doesn't seem to do too much.

**New Methods** (all documented in readme.md)
* getTikTokById
* getTikTokByUrl
* getSuggestedUsersbyID
* getSuggestedUsersbyIDCrawler
* getSuggestedHashtagsbyID
* getSuggestedHashtagsbyIDCrawler
* getSuggestedMusicbyID
* getSuggestedMusicIDCrawler

**Issues Closed**
* 129
* 130
* 61

Update with the following command

pip install TikTokApi --upgrade


I've added the ability to download videos without watermark as well as get more information about a user object.

**New Methods** (all documented in readme.md)
* getUser
* get_Video_No_Watermark

**Issues Closed**
* 60
* 125

Update with the following command

pip install TikTokApi --upgrade


Update with

pip install TikTokApi --upgrade

* 116


Fixed an issue that popped up today with a TikTok site change.


pip install TikTokApi --upgrade


This release has allowed for a greater number of TikToks to be returned with the count parameter.

Update with the following command

pip install TikTokApi --upgrade

Consider sponsoring me [here](https://github.com/sponsors/davidteather) or making a one time donation [here](https://www.paypal.me/dteather)


I have added a ton of new methods listed below. Consider sponsoring me [here](https://github.com/sponsors/davidteather) or making a one time donation [here](https://www.paypal.me/dteather)

**New Methods** (all documented in readme.md)
* byUsername
* bySound
* getMusicObject
* byHashtag
* getHashtagObject
* discoverHashtags
* discoverMusic
* getUserObject

**Issues Closed**
* 77
* 65

Update with the following command

pip install TikTokApi --upgrade

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