- [72]( - **Python 3 support** - [sbrunner](
- [69]( - **support for temp. IAM credentials for S3 access** - [ckaenzig](
- [65]( - **missing content_type on filesystem.get_one** - [sbrunner](
- [59]( - **missing return tile on put_one in SQS store** - [sbrunner](
- [58]( - **missing content_type to metatile splitter** - [sbrunner](
- [4e78eb]( - **--add-content-type option to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [429ad0]( - **missing whitespace** - [twpayne](
- [811f61]( - **memcached:// URL shortcut** - [twpayne](
- [ccfa93]( - **pyflakes to travis build** - [twpayne](
- [e257ad]( - **pypi-upload target** - [twpayne](
- [60bab3]( - **note about bounding pyramids, fixes #46** - [twpayne](
- [b22412]( - **image link to build status** - [twpayne](
- [c3528f]( - **missing requirement for tests** - [twpayne](
- [ff4169]( - **missing requirements** - [twpayne](
- [c6168c]( - **.travis.yml** - [twpayne](
- [bd7749]( - **TileCacheDiskTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [38bb00]( - **TileCacheDiskLayout** - [twpayne](
- [437cf5]( - **notes about Mapnik and Memcached tile stores** - [twpayne](
- [49]( - **MemcachedTileStore.** - [fredj](
- [48]( - **Mapnik store with utfgrid support, and some fix** - [sbrunner](
- [d2b1df]( - **more FIXMEs** - [twpayne](
- [039e7d]( - **--max-extent and --resolutions options for OpenLayers in tc-viewer** - [twpayne](
- [9d50c2]( - **TileGrid.zs** - [twpayne](
- [314964]( - **BoundingPyramid.fill** - [twpayne](
- [5084f9]( - **file missing from previous commit** - [twpayne](
- [f25c99]( - **file:// shortcut** - [twpayne](
- [424a0f]( - **more classifiers** - [twpayne](
- [5b0d56]( - **metatile-related tests** - [twpayne](
- [8c765a]( - **WMSTileLayout metatile and border tests** - [twpayne](
- [4f6c08]( - **TileStructure.flip_y** - [twpayne](
- [f95807]( - **max_extent and tile_size to TileStructure** - [twpayne](
- [867324]( - **scale argument** - [twpayne](
- [10b787]( - **abstract TileStructure tests** - [twpayne](
- [609e4f]( - **initial FreeTileStructure implementation** - [twpayne](
- [105bfe]( - **QuadTileStructure to replace old structure functions** - [twpayne](
- [a84dd1]( - **tilecloud.structure package** - [twpayne](
- [d1d673]( - **TileStructure abstraction** - [twpayne](
- [682ad3]( - **crude cache to tc-viewer (fixes #33)** - [twpayne](
- [de71bc]( - **initial Statsd support** - [twpayne](
- [987e2a]( - **intelligent (?) stopping heuristic for SQSTileStore.list** - [twpayne](
- [b1eba9]( - **bounds:// shortcut** - [twpayne](
- [1b1cb6]( - **BoundingPyramidTileStore.get_one** - [twpayne](
- [ac53de]( - **docstrings to the gzip filters** - [elemoine](
- [880d33]( - **general explanations and some structure to the Filters doc** - [elemoine](
- [da8027]( - **doc for the image filters** - [elemoine](
- [41f224]( - **doc for the consistenthash filters** - [elemoine](
- [ea6fe2]( - **doc for the gzip filters, and rename the gzip module to gzip_** - [elemoine](
- [834e21]( - **--randomize option** - [ebelo](
- [4ff728]( - **SQSDeque** - [twpayne](
- [a1badf]( - **SearchUpTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [3c20d8]( - **Tile.parent** - [twpayne](
- [3c4c57]( - **a docs rule to the top-level Makefile** - [elemoine](
- [6af937]( - **some structure for the docs** - [elemoine](
- [018532]( - **Tile.repr** - [twpayne](
- [14ef40]( - **an empty sphinx project** - [elemoine](
- [fa4f3e]( - **note about running tests** - [twpayne](
- [a6e87d]( - **"Rendering the World" demo** - [twpayne](
- [f360f3]( - **Tile.cmp** - [twpayne](
- [6a04b8]( - **Tile.subdivide** - [twpayne](
- [50d5a4]( - **simple MBTilesTileStore tests** - [twpayne](
- [1175cd]( - **DictTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [cc73f3]( - **Tile.nonzero** - [twpayne](
- [86444f]( - **--generate option to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [a7228a]( - **test target** - [twpayne](
- [c6cc5c]( - **initial unit tests** - [twpayne](
- [7da356]( - **inital setup script** - [twpayne](
- [5d95a7]( - **BoundingPyramid.eq** - [twpayne](
- [fe44dd]( - **--limit option to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [592f85]( - **--benchmark option to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [b26bfe]( - **benchmarking filter** - [twpayne](
- [415367]( - **--rate-limit option to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [0e0fce]( - **RateLimit** - [twpayne](
- [976b85]( - **SQSTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [251ce1]( - **some docstrings** - [twpayne](
- [4a49ca]( - **jQuery Geo viewer** - [twpayne](
- [c39b00]( - **error handling to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [659612]( - **error handling infrastructure** - [twpayne](
- [2eee03]( - **introduction to completion** - [twpayne](
- [8d700b]( - **every Nth to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [76e4c1]( - **star shortcut in bounding pyramid** - [twpayne](
- [d61abd]( - **TileCoord.cmp** - [twpayne](
- [6ffbd5]( - **Bounds.cmp** - [twpayne](
- [b7b23f]( - **tc-delete** - [twpayne](
- [33ee88]( - **--move option to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [ce27f5]( - **--verbose option to tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [5a1c2e]( - **shortcut for creating null tile stores** - [twpayne](
- [b05fac]( - **NullTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [2f4d7a]( - **documentation about tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [177b4f]( - **link to OpenStreetMap** - [twpayne](
- [1a5c4d]( - **documentation about mapping libraries** - [twpayne](
- [8633a7]( - **documentation about tile serving** - [twpayne](
- [c5b2ab]( - **beautiful tiles** - [twpayne](
- [9c8216]( - **shortcut for creating URL tile stores** - [twpayne](
- [0b1201]( - **shortcut for creating S3 tile stores** - [twpayne](
- [916c8a]( - **--overwrite option, don't overwrite by default** - [twpayne](
- [920846]( - **WMTS demo** - [twpayne](
- [2b01c6]( - **WMTSTileStore (fixes #8)** - [twpayne](
- [e3a978]( - **ZipTileStore (fixes #7)** - [twpayne](
- [b97f9e]( - **tc-copy** - [twpayne](
- [4c272b]( - **Polymaps support** - [twpayne](
- [636568]( - **Modest Maps support** - [twpayne](
- [d42f6c]( - **Google Maps support** - [twpayne](
- [7112d1]( - **download example** - [twpayne](
- [27a14e]( - **** - [twpayne](
- [efc796]( - **sensible default for seed** - [twpayne](
- [86bbfb]( - **tc-refine-bounds** - [twpayne](
- [a256bf]( - **BSDDBTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [a4de2e]( - **TileCoord.from_string** - [twpayne](
- [9036f9]( - **consistent hash every nth filter** - [twpayne](
- [fd229b]( - **pep8 target** - [twpayne](
- [073135]( - **OptiPNG filter** - [twpayne](
- [b3062b]( - **MergeFilter** - [twpayne](
- [eef4ab]( - **S3TileStore.contains and import httplib** - [twpayne](
- [7a9b01]( - **--tiles=completion command to calculate exact completion** - [twpayne](
- [c5e598]( - **--tiles=estimate-completion command to estimate completion** - [twpayne](
- [b51cfb]( - **TileCoord.tuple and from_tuple** - [twpayne](
- [e49d19]( - **--root option** - [twpayne](
- [51d70d]( - **--server option and default to tornado if available** - [twpayne](
- [ede0cd]( - **favicon.ico** - [twpayne](
- [f935f4]( - **tilecloud.lib.s3** - [twpayne](
- [3c5d06]( - **tilecloud.lib** - [twpayne](
- [0104bf]( - **clean target** - [twpayne](
- [90c543]( - **MapBox/TileJSON demo tiles** - [twpayne](
- [ca36e0]( - **TileCoord.from_wgs84 special case for z=0** - [twpayne](
- [b86a75]( - **TileJSONTileStore.from_url** - [twpayne](
- [fc4826]( - **TileCoord.from_wgs84 and BoundingPyramid.from_wgs84** - [twpayne](
- [16]( - **FindFirstTileStore** - [fredj](
- [12]( - **openstreetmap attribution.** - [fredj](
- [e6e7f6]( - **attribution in OpenLayers** - [twpayne](
- [6ec1ce]( - **MapQuest tiles** - [twpayne](
- [540459]( - **OpenStreetMap tiles** - [twpayne](
- [ce3e46]( - **skeleton for BoundingPyramid.from_spherical_mercator** - [twpayne](
- [da7d63]( - **TileJSONTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [0ac13b]( - **BoundingPyramid.full** - [twpayne](
- [bb5445]( - **elevation layer support** - [twpayne](
- [86d3dc]( - **JSON content type detection** - [twpayne](
- [0f10a0]( - **GzipDecompressor** - [twpayne](
- [8a4e77]( - **pyflakes target** - [twpayne](
- [2b3835]( - **FilteredTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [20f333]( - **PILImageFilter** - [fredj](
- [dc6d61]( - **transparent and more beautiful debug tiles** - [twpayne](
- [b856cb]( - **DebugTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [c2e99b]( - **URLTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [e6e864]( - **TileCoord.hash** - [twpayne](
- [b64f44]( - **TileJSONTileLayout** - [twpayne](
- [def07c]( - **TemplateTileLayout** - [twpayne](
- [bc747c]( - **InBoundingPyramid** - [twpayne](
- [3cb25a]( - **tc-store-info** - [twpayne](
- [473b83]( - **TileStore.count** - [twpayne](
- [e656a3]( - **BoundingPyramid.zget and zs** - [twpayne](
- [57bd82]( - **TileStore.get_bounding_pyramid** - [twpayne](
- [b3641d]( - **MBTilesTileStore.set_metadata_zooms** - [twpayne](
- [f99bfa]( - **MBTilesTileStore.get_bounding_pyramid** - [twpayne](
- [9c7a31]( - **Makefile** - [twpayne](
- [1b8969]( - **index page** - [twpayne](
- [7e22e0]( - **OpenWebGlobe view** - [twpayne](
- [f0b7d5]( - **debug query parameter to index to use unbuilt OpenLayers** - [twpayne](
- [c08511]( - **command line options to tc-viewer** - [twpayne](
- [b3237a]( - **TileStore.load** - [twpayne](
- [f8d9a2]( - **tc-mbtiles-flip-y** - [twpayne](
- [c914ed]( - **tc-mbtiles-info** - [twpayne](
- [e883dd]( - **initial viewer** - [twpayne](
- [2d3663]( - **LinesTileStore.get_one** - [twpayne](
- [0f6fe5]( - **FilesystemTileStore.get_all and list** - [twpayne](
- [696b4c]( - **TileStore.get_all** - [twpayne](
- [e50722]( - **BoundingPyramid** - [twpayne](
- [254d39]( - **Bounds.repr** - [twpayne](
- [ce8737]( - **MBTilesTileStore.get_all** - [twpayne](
- [84327c]( - **Bounds class** - [twpayne](
- [5da33f]( - **BoundingBoxTileStore.len and populate_lower_levels** - [twpayne](
- [7f5bb7]( - **BoundingBoxTileStore.contains** - [twpayne](
- [a03f7d]( - **examples** - [twpayne](
- [836331]( - **MBTiles support** - [twpayne](
- [95e64e]( - **TileCoord normalization** - [twpayne](
- [c73aec]( - **Deploy with Travis, with tag** - [sbrunner](
- [74]( - **More compatibility with Python 3** - [sbrunner](
- [73]( - **Incrase the logging for the URL get** - [sbrunner](
- [ba05f6]( - **Merge pull request #73 from sbrunner/log** - [twpayne](
- [817452]( - **Merge pull request #72 from sbrunner/python3** - [twpayne](
- [70]( - **Remove nose dependencies from setup_requires** - [sbrunner](
- [a310ce]( - **Merge pull request #70 from sbrunner/nose-requirement** - [sbrunner](
- [7d6950]( - **Merge pull request #69 from ckaenzig/s3-temp-iam-credentials** - [twpayne](
- [68]( - **Allows to set the projection on mapnik store** - [sbrunner](
- [185a37]( - **Merge pull request #68 from sbrunner/mapnik_srs** - [sbrunner](
- [c99465]( - **Merge pull request #67 from sbrunner/case** - [sbrunner](
- [66]( - **Should be possible to add some additional argument in WMS layout** - [sbrunner](
- [59204b]( - **Merge pull request #66 from sbrunner/params** - [sbrunner](
- [64]( - **Don't tc-copy missing tiles?** - [twpayne](
- [47c8a3]( - **Merge pull request #64 from twpayne/treat-404-as-no-tile** - [twpayne](
- [668a03]( - **Merge pull request #62 from sbrunner/fix-bsddb-delete** - [twpayne](
- [62]( - **delete_one shouldn't fail if the tile don't exists on bsddb tile store** - [sbrunner](
- [7c5b18]( - **Merge pull request #65 from sbrunner/content_type** - [twpayne](
- [4e292e]( - **Merge pull request #63 from sbrunner/pillow** - [twpayne](
- [63]( - **Pillow and pep8** - [sbrunner](
- [24539f]( - **Merge pull request #61 from asaunier/windows-binary** - [asaunier](
- [61]( - **Mode 'binary' is required when reading/writing tiles on Windows** - [asaunier](
- [b2bb65]( - **Merge pull request #60 from asaunier/long-resolutions** - [asaunier](
- [60]( - **Test to figure out if resolutions are long instead of integer** - [asaunier](
- [b751fe]( - **Merge pull request #59 from sbrunner/sqs-return-tile** - [sbrunner](
- [cbcfe0]( - **Merge pull request #58 from sbrunner/contenttype-meta** - [twpayne](
- [861e1a]( - **Read install_requires from requirements.txt, thanks sbrunner** - [twpayne](
- [ce1fe6]( - **Work around pendantic pyflakes** - [twpayne](
- [57]( - **Use pillow in place of PIL.** - [sbrunner](
- [30123f]( - **Merge pull request #57 from sbrunner/pillow** - [twpayne](
- [462b6e]( - **Merge pull request #56 from sbrunner/mbtile-origin** - [twpayne](
- [56]( - **Now it's possible to have tilecorrds from the top left corner.** - [sbrunner](
- [55]( - **Allows to drop empty UTFGrid tiles.** - [sbrunner](
- [18e181]( - **Merge pull request #55 from sbrunner/drop-empty-utfgrid** - [twpayne](
- [54]( - **Adapt to requests >= 1.0** - [fredj](
- [68e02e]( - **Merge pull request #54 from fredj/requests** - [twpayne](
- [50b180]( - **Make OpenLayers viewer prettier** - [twpayne](
- [022cf5]( - **Only set owner information if present** - [twpayne](
- [88f1b4]( - **Factor out dev-requirements.txt** - [twpayne](
- [b7dbc7]( - **Satisfy pep8 indentation** - [twpayne](
- [51]( - **Be able to put tiles at the root of the S3 bucket** - [sbrunner](
- [2ef771]( - **Merge pull request #51 from sbrunner/wmts** - [twpayne](
- [e6c23a]( - **Document some core classes and methods** - [twpayne](
- [ce531a]( - **One less system call, thanks fredj** - [twpayne](
- [e50391]( - **Remove stray repr** - [twpayne](
- [6df893]( - **Cleaner end of line handling** - [twpayne](
- [229d38]( - **Return 204 code for tiles with no data** - [twpayne](
- [573956]( - **Only add content type if data is not None** - [twpayne](
- [e0c13f]( - **Use simple memcached client** - [twpayne](
- [add4f7]( - **Use simple memcached client instead of broken python-memcached** - [twpayne](
- [16e823]( - **Suppress pyflakes warnings** - [twpayne](
- [b0369f]( - **Pass resolutions and extent directly to OpenLayers** - [twpayne](
- [3e4d21]( - **Version bump for pypi** - [twpayne](
- [dbc710]( - **Remove fixed FIXME** - [twpayne](
- [b105c8]( - **Enable PEP8 checks in travis build** - [twpayne](
- [b4dd40]( - **PEP8 indentation fixes** - [twpayne](
- [300c46]( - **PEP8 indentation fixes** - [twpayne](
- [c6990e]( - **PEP8 indentation fixes** - [twpayne](
- [5ea453]( - **PEP8 indentation fixes** - [twpayne](
- [76dfe8]( - **Sort imports** - [twpayne](
- [8da8c8]( - **Remove stray execute permissions** - [twpayne](
- [14d0eb]( - **Rename file for consistency** - [twpayne](
- [ddcf3a]( - **Merge pull request #49 from fredj/memcached** - [twpayne](
- [5cbbbc]( - **Merge pull request #48 from sbrunner/mapnik** - [twpayne](
- [48e1a1]( - **Use a requirements.txt file for pip** - [twpayne](
- [483f63]( - **Handle request errors** - [twpayne](
- [7508eb]( - **Merge pull request #47 from fredj/requests** - [twpayne](
- [47]( - **Use requests.** - [fredj](
- [829959]( - **Correct route to layersettings.json for OpenWebGlobe** - [twpayne](
- [3e417f]( - **Clean ups** - [twpayne](
- [bbaaf3]( - **Default to complete fill of BoundingPyramid** - [twpayne](
- [501d68]( - **Correct signature of TileGrid.fill_{up,down}** - [twpayne](
- [c299b7]( - **Satisfy pep8** - [twpayne](
- [0e4fc0]( - **Re-order classes alphabetically** - [twpayne](
- [84532e]( - **Improve test coverage** - [twpayne](
- [03e4a9]( - **Include TileGrid in BoundingPyramid, add default GoogleTileGrid** - [twpayne](
- [d38e65]( - **Work around nosetests path bug** - [twpayne](
- [0f970f]( - **s/TileStructure/TileGrid/** - [twpayne](
- [aaed53]( - **Complete MBTilesTileStore test coverage** - [twpayne](
- [53013e]( - **Complete DictTileStore test coverage** - [twpayne](
- [5705ff]( - **Use PIL instead of Cairo for debug tile generation** - [twpayne](
- [808fe7]( - **Encode query string to WMS servers** - [twpayne](
- [07210c]( - **Abstract out content type to PIL format dict** - [twpayne](
- [9f59bd]( - **s/tile_store/tilestore/ in views** - [twpayne](
- [efe61d]( - **Convert README to reStructured Text** - [twpayne](
- [091e50]( - **s/s3key/s3_key/g** - [twpayne](
- [13a1b5]( - **s/tile_layout/tilelayout/g** - [twpayne](
- [dfe25a]( - **s/tile_store/tilestore/g** - [twpayne](
- [7da9c3]( - **Make flip_y a property of TileStructure** - [twpayne](
- [969b36]( - **Remove projection-related functions** - [twpayne](
- [a1fd8a]( - **Pass SRS as a string rather than an integer** - [twpayne](
- [3b390c]( - **Extent TileCoord.from_string to support metatiles** - [twpayne](
- [44]( - **Rename TileStore.count to TileStore.len** - [fredj](
- [ed91ff]( - **Merge pull request #44 from fredj/tilestore-len** - [twpayne](
- [cdde90]( - **Support queuing of metatiles in SQS** - [twpayne](
- [b083b9]( - **Merge MetaTileCoord into TileCoord** - [twpayne](
- [2f5766]( - **Only convert scale to a float if it is not one** - [twpayne](
- [a86e17]( - **Remove Grid** - [twpayne](
- [49e559]( - **Rename MetaTileToTileStore to MetaTileSplitterTileStore and add tests** - [twpayne](
- [e90172]( - **Remove MetaTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [081cf9]( - **Re-order methods alphabetically** - [twpayne](
- [6a1ac7]( - **Refactor WMSTileLayout to use TileStructure** - [twpayne](
- [bb0402]( - **Support scale parameter to FreeTileStructure** - [twpayne](
- [5bc1c9]( - **Remove TileCoord.normalize and TileCoord.from_normalized_coord** - [twpayne](
- [8109a6]( - **Implement TileStructure.extent and TileStructure.tilecoord** - [twpayne](
- [99ae06]( - **Assert that resolutions are integers** - [twpayne](
- [dcb839]( - **Calculate root_zs from parent_zs** - [twpayne](
- [ec6bd5]( - **Remove unused import** - [fredj](
- [ebf589]( - **FreeTileStructure supports resolutions of 1** - [twpayne](
- [73fed7]( - **Port SearchUpTileStore to TileStructure** - [twpayne](
- [210b10]( - **Remove unused import** - [twpayne](
- [3a228d]( - **Port rendering the world code to the new TileStructure abstraction** - [twpayne](
- [08f284]( - **Remove old TileCoord tile structure functions** - [twpayne](
- [c4e30e]( - **Allow RenderingTheWorldTileStore to be initialized with multiple seeds** - [twpayne](
- [96bee2]( - **Avoid concealing all exceptions** - [twpayne](
- [eb9a2a]( - **Merge pull request #34 from sbrunner/metatile** - [twpayne](
- [34]( - **Metatile** - [sbrunner](
- [fb3eb4]( - **Use more sensible default Statsd prefix** - [twpayne](
- [42]( - **Exclude tests from distribution package** - [fredj](
- [677d55]( - **Merge pull request #42 from fredj/exclude-tests** - [fredj](
- [f06eac]( - **Correct bug in SearchUpTileStore, thanks fredj** - [twpayne](
- [4035bd]( - **Only try S3 put operation** - [twpayne](
- [599226]( - **Merge branch 'master' of** - [twpayne](
- [40]( - **Catch errors in s3 tilestore** - [sbrunner](
- [d1e179]( - **Merge pull request #40 from sbrunner/errors** - [twpayne](
- [1ffdf8]( - **filters doc - reference the tilecloud.Tile API doc** - [elemoine](
- [75fed8]( - **document the InBoundingPyramid filter** - [elemoine](
- [32dd0d]( - **minor doc updates for the filter.error module** - [elemoine](
- [7370e9]( - **document the tilecloud.filter.contenttype module** - [elemoine](
- [ae71b1]( - **remove the module-level docstring from filter.error** - [elemoine](
- [31daf7]( - **bad var name in filter.error** - [elemoine](
- [5f23f6]( - **document the tilecloud.filter.error module** - [elemoine](
- [dd3119]( - **docs - add Command Line Tools and API sections** - [elemoine](
- [fb527a]( - **introduce TileCloud on the doc front page** - [elemoine](
- [411488]( - **Suppress pyflakes warning about unused import** - [twpayne](
- [df9e9d]( - **Rename TileCoord.subdivide to TileCoord.children** - [twpayne](
- [37231c]( - **Remove unused import** - [twpayne](
- [c6db8e]( - **Ignore *.pyc** - [twpayne](
- [858e31]( - **Replace spaces with tabs** - [twpayne](
- [bc71ce]( - **Remove unused import** - [twpayne](
- [69489e]( - **Document the "Rendering the World" example** - [twpayne](
- [cede59]( - **Support MapBox's "Rendering The World" strategy with elemoine** - [twpayne](
- [ef4ed4]( - **Log GETs in URLTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [f6cd43]( - **Sort TileCoords by z, x, then y** - [twpayne](
- [354e43]( - **Store all tile attributes in DictTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [a0b750]( - **Remove Tile.nonzero** - [twpayne](
- [8acfb9]( - **Check examples with pep8 and pyflakes** - [twpayne](
- [849458]( - **Use GET instead of HEAD for S3TileStore.contains until S3 HEAD bug can be fixed** - [twpayne](
- [2b05c7]( - **Correct tests_require, thanks fredj** - [twpayne](
- [875461]( - **Merge pull request #35 from fredj/setup-install-scripts** - [twpayne](
- [35]( - ** - install scripts** - [fredj](
- [ccba90]( - **Use len() instead of query** - [twpayne](
- [4160eb]( - **Rename sqlite3 to sqlite3_ to avoid import problems** - [twpayne](
- [89e58f]( - **Extend LogTileStore to write files** - [twpayne](
- [9b40e3]( - **Modify tile in place** - [twpayne](
- [61ba9e]( - **Make default target run all tests** - [twpayne](
- [ba2dbd]( - **behaviour fixup** - [twpayne](
- [2159d3]( - **Exclude some functions from coverage tests** - [twpayne](
- [a0ea0f]( - **Correct signature of NullTileStore.list** - [twpayne](
- [964256]( - **Correct bug in BoundingPyramid.fillup** - [twpayne](
- [240023]( - **Correct calculation of stop in Bounds.union** - [twpayne](
- [e4055f]( - **New default behaviour for TileStore.contains** - [twpayne](
- [73ba7e]( - **Use iteritems instead of items** - [twpayne](
- [04066a]( - **Calculate tiles per second benchmark** - [twpayne](
- [111bac]( - **Always print benchmark results** - [twpayne](
- [e8c656]( - **Join some split lines** - [twpayne](
- [4e0a7a]( - **Return tile** - [twpayne](
- [daacac]( - **Modify tile in place** - [twpayne](
- [930c2d]( - **Handle None tiles** - [twpayne](
- [c1081d]( - **Ensure that logging is always initialized** - [twpayne](
- [f5ba4b]( - **Rename variables for clarity** - [twpayne](
- [dcefd7]( - **Flag errors in URLTileStore** - [twpayne](
- [0f3f9e]( - **Remove trailing semicolon** - [twpayne](
- [c60dec]( - **Correct calculation of bounding pyramid fills** - [twpayne](
- [85a556]( - **Treat all 4xx errors as missing tiles** - [twpayne](
- [48accb]( - **Clean up use of tile_matrix** - [twpayne](
- [e72437]( - **Clean up whitespace** - [twpayne](
- [242c8c]( - **Minor style changes** - [twpayne](
- [29]( - **Wms s3 wmts** - [sbrunner](
- [ea7c0e]( - **Merge pull request #29 from sbrunner/wms-s3-wmts** - [twpayne](
- [30]( - **Get wmts capabilities** - [sbrunner](
- [568699]( - **Merge pull request #30 from sbrunner/get-wmts-capabilities** - [twpayne](
- [ee725d]( - **Calculate invariant prefix (primarily for S3)** - [twpayne](
- [b65f92]( - **'None' tiles are never contained** - [twpayne](
- [2b2691]( - **Shorten titles** - [twpayne](
- [0817cd]( - **Serve tiles from /tiles instead of /data/image** - [twpayne](
- [36c39a]( - **Correct content type of Stamen tiles** - [twpayne](
- [86429a]( - **Remove unused import** - [twpayne](
- [b82081]( - **Correct path to MBTiles file** - [twpayne](
- [2312bb]( - **Correct pep8 and pyflakes targets and add contributing documentation** - [twpayne](
- [96e659]( - **Raise ValueError when tilecoord cannot be extracted from filename** - [twpayne](
- [5580ec]( - **Ignore unrecognised keys in S3** - [twpayne](
- [d81cb2]( - **Use HTTP shortcut in** - [twpayne](
- [59601d]( - **Complete list of supported viewers** - [twpayne](
- [e21798]( - **Remove stray whitespace** - [twpayne](
- [060c86]( - **Factor out RETileLayout** - [twpayne](
- [dec7b9]( - **Use most common image extension, not least common one** - [twpayne](
- [a1ec3b]( - **Remove (use GitHub issues instead)** - [twpayne](
- [93076b]( - **Documentation improvements** - [twpayne](
- [72f249]( - **Increase maximum zoom in Google Maps viewer** - [twpayne](
- [16e46e]( - **Allow Z-offsets to be specified in bounding pyramids** - [twpayne](
- [05c81e]( - **Remove unused import** - [twpayne](
- [40f8d1]( - **Remove example data targets** - [twpayne](
- [dee3c4]( - **Cope with more errors from httplib** - [twpayne](
- [6cb57e]( - **Remember to flip Y when calculating bounding pyramid of MBTilesTileStore quickly** - [twpayne](
- [a11292]( - **Increase default number of zoom levels in OpenLayers view** - [twpayne](
- [04a281]( - **Autoload BSDDB tilestores** - [twpayne](
- [21]( - **Remove git submodules from Makefile and from .gitignore** - [fredj](
- [2eaaaa]( - **Merge pull request #21 from fredj/cleanup** - [twpayne](
- [55f1c5]( - **Don't use git submodules** - [twpayne](
- [de1c19]( - **Serve files from static/ for convenience** - [twpayne](
- [b51f2f]( - **Allow tc-viewer to be used as a server for WebGL cross-domain textures** - [twpayne](
- [3adadc]( - **Remove unusued variable** - [twpayne](
- [8753d3]( - **Remove unused imports** - [twpayne](
- [2a59fe]( - **Retry on connection reset errors** - [twpayne](
- [6f093d]( - **Factor out keys** - [twpayne](
- [b191d4]( - **PEP8 split long regular expressions** - [twpayne](
- [42eb9c]( - **PEP8 split long statements** - [twpayne](
- [82e46d]( - **PEP8 split over-long docstrings** - [twpayne](
- [ae6f79]( - **Factor out bounding pyramid SQL** - [twpayne](
- [a1c47b]( - **PEP8 exception raising** - [twpayne](
- [fdfd94]( - **PEP8 split multiple import** - [twpayne](
- [d12661]( - **PEP8 split long ifs** - [twpayne](
- [314026]( - **PEP8 simple line length fixes** - [twpayne](
- [d77674]( - **PEP8 whitespace removal** - [twpayne](
- [efff2c]( - **Remove f argument** - [twpayne](
- [b14e52]( - **Cope with S3 errors with no body** - [twpayne](
- [f926f7]( - **Import httplib** - [twpayne](
- [3988a8]( - **Copy S3Key into tile** - [twpayne](
- [5f5594]( - **Copy response into S3Key** - [twpayne](
- [18]( - **Unused import, check bin dir with pyflakes** - [fredj](
- [602dbb]( - **Merge pull request #18 from fredj/cleanup** - [twpayne](
- [9006d8]( - **Merge pull request #15 from fredj/leaflet-attribution** - [twpayne](
- [15]( - **Leaflet attribution** - [fredj](
- [93dcbd]( - **Replace boto with tilecloud.lib.s3** - [twpayne](
- [9b0b11]( - **Factor out tilecloud.lib.sqlite3** - [twpayne](
- [92bacf]( - **Extend pyflakes target to check tiles** - [twpayne](
- [ab48a6]( - **Correct calculation of TileJSON bounding pyramid** - [twpayne](
- [ca5374]( - **Remove over-strict check for TileJSON version** - [twpayne](
- [7c602b]( - **Refactor TileStore.init** - [twpayne](
- [80d3f5]( - **Refactor use of bounding pyramids** - [twpayne](
- [4c7368]( - **Merge pull request #16 from fredj/find-first** - [twpayne](
- [2a5c86]( - **Include library name in view title** - [twpayne](
- [9cb89b]( - **Remove debug query parameter** - [twpayne](
- [bfc7d7]( - **Accept generators when constructing URLTileStores** - [twpayne](
- [97c11e]( - **Remove stale code** - [twpayne](
- [816f3b]( - **Don't include OpenLayers as a submodule** - [twpayne](
- [78fe82]( - **Don't include OpenWebGlobe/WebViewer as a submodule** - [twpayne](
- [42e37f]( - **Clean up code formatting** - [twpayne](
- [17df97]( - **Merge pull request #12 from fredj/osm-attribution** - [twpayne](
- [10]( - **Leaflet view for tc-viewer** - [fredj](
- [4880eb]( - **Merge pull request #10 from fredj/leaflet** - [twpayne](
- [6d234c]( - **Remove MousePosition control** - [twpayne](
- [676b93]( - **Ensure that content encoding and type are copied from S3** - [twpayne](
- [4e34dd]( - **Pass tile_stores instead of names to templates** - [twpayne](
- [0ce658]( - **Remove stray assignment** - [twpayne](
- [d1082c]( - **Allow TileStore attributes to be set** - [twpayne](
- [ca3000]( - **ensure fixup** - [twpayne](
- [467b40]( - **Ensure that all tiles have content_encoding, content_type and data fields** - [twpayne](
- [985de3]( - **Replace with and** - [twpayne](
- [5c402e]( - **Factor out content type to PIL format conversion** - [twpayne](
- [80deea]( - **Use allOverlays in OpenLayers view** - [twpayne](
- [2ccdc2]( - **Allow OpenWebGlobe render quality to be set** - [twpayne](
- [0686da]( - **Ignore files generated by virtualenv** - [twpayne](
- [344aab]( - **Rename functions for consistency** - [twpayne](
- [69ae65]( - **Remove emptytile** - [twpayne](
- [5a7146]( - **Handle 404s** - [twpayne](
- [2]( - **content_type and co.** - [fredj](
- [1ddaff]( - **Merge pull request #2 from fredj/master** - [twpayne](
- [2977cd]( - **Ignore *.py in the root directory** - [twpayne](
- [12d1cd]( - **Ignore build artefacts** - [twpayne](
- [3f124f]( - **Rename scripts for consistency** - [twpayne](
- [8127de]( - **Refactor Makefile** - [twpayne](
- [6e8053]( - **Check-off items** - [twpayne](
- [502cb7]( - **Improve exceptions when conversions fail** - [twpayne](
- [95faf5]( - **Use more compact implementation of get_bounding_pyramid** - [twpayne](
- [56118f]( - **Return self from add and update to permit reduction** - [twpayne](
- [2f1027]( - **Use ifilter rather than list comprehension** - [twpayne](
- [891db6]( - **Generalize tc-mbtiles-mask to tc-store-mask** - [twpayne](
- [ed91a6]( - **Remove tc-mbtiles-flip-y** - [twpayne](
- [e8a571]( - **Correct generation of empty tiles** - [twpayne](
- [35dcf1]( - **Reflect y coordinate in MBTilesTilesStore** - [twpayne](
- [da824c]( - **Rename index.tpl to openlayers.tpl** - [twpayne](
- [9ead53]( - **Factor out emptytile** - [twpayne](
- [ff2d34]( - **Only display LayerSwitcher if there is more than one layer** - [twpayne](
- [894d79]( - **Read from openlayers directly instead of using a symlink** - [twpayne](
- [d6d385]( - **Use git submodules** - [twpayne](
- [b3d709]( - **Merge pull request #1 from fredj/cleanup** - [twpayne](
- [1]( - **Remove unused imports and var (pyflakes)** - [fredj](
- [30440a]( - **Move more functionality into TileStore.load** - [twpayne](
- [183131]( - **Use TileStore.load** - [twpayne](
- [411b1e]( - **Move TODO items into** - [twpayne](
- [949e97]( - **Generate placeholder tiles** - [twpayne](
- [e1fa47]( - **Correct import** - [twpayne](
- [01eb27]( - **Use efficient query to calculate bounding pyramid** - [twpayne](
- [f6bcc1]( - **Refactor layout** - [twpayne](
- [67da35]( - **Modify tile in-place, don't perform unecessary conversions** - [twpayne](
- [1a6b0d]( - **Modify tile in-place** - [twpayne](
- [d3b244]( - **Rename scripts for consistency** - [twpayne](
- [1a2e9a]( - **Correct extraction of tiles from store** - [twpayne](
- [46f483]( - **s/tileset/mbtiles/** - [twpayne](
- [e41196]( - **Use sqlite3.Cursor as an iterator** - [twpayne](
- [51797b]( - **Use None for missing tiles** - [twpayne](
- [a31d5b]( - **Guess content type for MBTiles files** - [twpayne](
- [2f8f0d]( - **Allow +x/+y for bounding box upper limit** - [twpayne](
- [ce8c0f]( - **Use chain.from_iterable** - [twpayne](
- [5668bf]( - **Ignore common data files** - [twpayne](
- [8f1956]( - **Set MBTiles metadata** - [twpayne](
- [427890]( - **Convert blobs to binary before storing in MBTiles** - [twpayne](
- [de04d7]( - **s/MetaData/Metadata/** - [twpayne](
- [48f6d3]( - **Clarify comments** - [twpayne](
- [bf869b]( - **Correct name of format** - [twpayne](
- [e7275d]( - **s/BinaryMaskTileStore/MaskTileStore/** - [twpayne](
- [e45433]( - **s/content/data/** - [twpayne](
- [bec2cd]( - **Move quadcode functions into I3DTileLayout** - [twpayne](
- [3fa03e]( - **Refactor** - [twpayne](
- [ded94a]( - **Remove needless call** - [twpayne](
- [5bec0d]( - **Ignore boto** - [twpayne](
- [70b283]( - **Initial commit** - [twpayne](
- [67]( - **egg case** - [sbrunner](
- [ad9954]( - **typos** - [twpayne](
- [eb7cdc]( - **output order in TileCoord.repr** - [twpayne](
- [aaedcb]( - **y flipping** - [twpayne](
- [90a488]( - **TileCoord.tuple, thanks fredj** - [twpayne](
- [3aefb8]( - **FreeTileStructure.flip_y for metatiles** - [twpayne](
- [1eae2d]( - **docstring** - [twpayne](
- [4ef8a9]( - **SearchUpTileStore implementation (fixes #41)** - [twpayne](
- [4de233]( - **imports** - [twpayne](
- [3fb9d0]( - **link** - [twpayne](
- [bf524a]( - **typos** - [twpayne](
- [c20b50]( - **S3Error.init (thanks fredj)** - [twpayne](
- [6f9ca0]( - **bounding pyramid calculation** - [twpayne](
- [8506b9]( - **TileStore.load for modules in subdirectories (#6)** - [twpayne](
- [a3e2c9]( - **non-use of request** - [twpayne](
- [6ccbdf]( - **content type guessing** - [twpayne](
- [fcf08e]( - **the Travis icon and link** - [sbrunner](
- [295fc4]( - **description** - [twpayne](
- [48a6f3]( - **** - [twpayne](
- [a451be]( - **** - [twpayne](
- [0aad30]( - **** - [twpayne](
- [1b5753]( - **** - [twpayne](
- [ea778c]( - **** - [twpayne](
- [cba744]( - **example to generate MBTiles from most TileStores** - [twpayne](
- [9e8877]( - **TODO** - [twpayne](
- asaunier
- ckaenzig
- ebelo
- elemoine
- fredj
- sbrunner
- twpayne
Generated by [Automation](