
Latest version: v4.0.0

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- introduced isolation levels to the fusion strategy
- added the `one_cell_only` option to `CellInsertionFactory`
- `remove_components_from_assumptions` method to `Tiling`
- `DetectComponentsStrategy` which removes cells from assumptions
which are actual components. This replaces the need for the
`SplittingStrategy` in component fusion packs.
- added equation generators to `FusionStrategy` for the case where one or both
sides are positive
- added a `to_html_representation` method to `Tiling`
- `SubclassVerificationFactory` and the corresponding strategy
- `is_subclass` method to `Tiling`
- added `point_and_row_and_col_placements` strategy
- `ShortObstructionVerificationStrategy`
- using Github Actions for testing and deployment

- insertion packs now use the `one_cell_only` option, and no longer use
- the `get_eq_symbol` and `get_op_symbol` are moved to `Strategy` rather than
- the `GriddedPermsOnTiling` algorithm was changed to build from minimal
gridded perms in a breadth first manner. This is also include an option to
limit the number of points placed on the minimal gridded perms.
- new default behavior of `RequirementInsertionFactory` is to only insert requirements
on tilings that don't already have any
- converted the expansion strategies in several strategy packs to be a single set
- requirement corroboration is only enabled when requirements of length > 1 are placed
- A gridded permutation can now be built from any iterable of integer, not only
from permutation.

- untracked constructors raise `NotImplementedError`
- forbid fusing a region containing a `TrackingAssumption` and a
- a tiling factors if a `ComponentAssumption` if the components of the region
split into the factors
- only fuse non-empty regions to avoid creating unintentional rules a -> b
where a and b are equivalent
- remove duplicate assumptions in the `AddAssumptionsStrategy`
- `Tiling.from_dict` will make a `Tiling` with no assumptions if the
`assumptions` key is not in the dictionary.
- a factor with interleaving strategy has `inferrable=True`
- a factor with interleaving strategy return a normal factor strategy when
there's no interleaving going on.
- removed the length argument to the `insertion_point_placements` pack which
was not implemented, and thus raising an error.
- Bug that occurred when factoring the empty tiling
- fixed that the `partial` flag was ignored in `point_placements`
- isolation levels were not being passed to component fusion
- expanding a symmetry of 132 with both length 2 requirements


- add the `can_be_equivalent` methods to `AddAssumptionsStrategy`,
`SplittingStrategy`, and `FusionStrategy`.
- added a `get_assumption` method to `Tiling`

- the `Factor` algorithm will now factor `TrackingAssumptions` if they span
multiple factors of the tiling. This means that the `SplittingStrategy` is
removed from the tracked `StrategyPack`. It does not factor
`ComponentAssumptions`, so using this strategy still requires the

- remove empty assumptions when creating extra parameters in `FusionStrategy`
- the method `Tiling.get_genf` returns the Catalan generating function for Av(123).
- correct the generating function equations for `SplittingStrategy`

- Removed optional arguments from the `from_bytes` method on `Tiling`


- add a new `AddAssumptionStrategy` which adds an assumption to a tiling.
In practice, when expanding a class, we actually remove an assumption to
determine which rules to add.
- the `get_equations` method is now implemented for the strategies
`AddAssumptionStrategy`, `SplittingStrategy`, and `FusionStrategy`.
- the `extra_paramters` method was implemented for symmetry strategies,
allowing these to be used when enumerating tracked trees.
- Add the `InsertionEncodingVerificationStrategy` which verifies n x 1 and
1 x n tilings which have a regular topmost or bottommost insertion encoding.
- Added the `SumComponentAssumption` and `SkewComponentAssumption` giving the
ability to track specifications using component fusion.
- add partial flag to `insertion_point_placements` and
- Allow fusing rows and columns which are positive on either or both sides.
- The tracking of interleaving factors is implemented, including the poly time
algorithm. This includes the new strategy `AddInterleavingAssumptionFactory`
which adds the assumptions required in order to enumerate when performing
an interleaving factor strategy.
- The `TileScopePack` has a new method `make_interleaving` which by will change
any factor strategy in the pack to allow interleaving. The default setting is
for tracked, and so the assumption strategies are also added. This can be
turned off with the flag `tracked=False`.
- The `possible_parameters` method on `Tiling` allowing for sanity checking
specifications with multiple variables.
- `InsertionEncodingVerificationStrategy` was added to verification expansion
- `forward_map_assumption` method on `Tiling`.

- The definition of a local `TrackingAssumption` in `LocalEnumeration` now says
it is local if every gp in it is local (before it was they all used the same
single cell).
- the default in `LocalVerificationStrategy` is now `no_factors=False`.

- untracked fusion packs don't add assumption strategies
- the length parameter for `all_the_strategies` is passed correctly to the
requirement insertion strategy.
- use fusion on positive `Av(123)` when expanding 1x1 verified classes
- fix bug that prevented applying all eight symmetries
- fix assumption mapping bug in `FusionStrategy`
- fix `__repr__` in `FusionStrategy`


All the necessary strategies for combinatorial exploration.

Refactoring and speed up of many algorithm most notably the is empty check.

- Support for Python 3.5 and earlier


- Update dependency versions


- Update comb_spec_searcher to 0.2.1

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