* All processor folders (decoder, analyzer, grapher, encoder) are now real plugin repositories : you can just drop processors in it and play!
* TimeSide can be installed without Aubio, Yaafe nor Vamp : it should be easier to install on old distributions for which those librairies are difficult or impossible to compile
* Encoder : add an Opus encoder
* Experimental : add a django web server with a REST API (see "Web server")
* AubioPitch: prevent NaN in result by converting them to zero
* Yaafe analyzer: simplify adaptation of process frames from TimeSide to Yaafe
* LimsiSad: add a default value for parameter sad_model
* Fix various NaN and Inf and PEP8 issues also many PyFlake warnings
* Full `Travis integration <https://travis-ci.org/Parisson/TimeSide/>`_ with tests and test coverage through `coveralls.io <https://coveralls.io/r/Parisson/TimeSide>`_
* Thanks to all contributors!
* WARNING: some of the processor paths used in your app could have moved between 0.5.4 and 0.5.5. Check them with timeside.core.processors(). Note that it is now advised to use the timeside.core.get_processor() method to instantiate the processors with their respective id as argument.
* UPGRADING from the sources: please remove all .pyc files from your repository.