What's Changed
* Improve angle sensor docs by yconst in https://github.com/tinymovr/Tinymovr/pull/290
* Misc fixes in docs by yconst in https://github.com/tinymovr/Tinymovr/pull/291
* Ensure copied directory name in docs by yconst in https://github.com/tinymovr/Tinymovr/pull/292
* Calibration Fixes by yconst in https://github.com/tinymovr/Tinymovr/pull/293
* Studio GUI timer improvements and bug fixes by yconst in https://github.com/tinymovr/Tinymovr/pull/295
* Add bus, channel and bitrate arguments to DFU util by yconst in https://github.com/tinymovr/Tinymovr/pull/297
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/tinymovr/Tinymovr/compare/1.6.0...1.6.2
- This release offers the option to upgrade the Tinymovr bootloader, along with the firmware, to support CAN bus DFU, but for existing boards this is only possible using JLink with the VSCode environment.
- As such there are two methods for flashing:
1. **Via ActiveFlashLight:** After downloading the correct "upgrade" firmware according to your board revision (R3.x, R5.x or M5.x), connect your device to ActiveFlashLight and follow the instructions in our [documentation](https://tinymovr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/upgrade/upgrade.html#upgrade-using-activeflashlight), selecting the `Full Erase` option, next to `Auto Program`.
2. **Via JLink & VSCode:** This method enables comprehensive upgrade of both bootloader and firmware, but it requires specialized hardware (JLink) and hardware connections. Follow the instructions in our [documentation](https://tinymovr.readthedocs.io/en/latest/develop/guide.html#flashing-and-debugging), observing correct hardware revision, and choosing the Release target.
- Please use [Tinymovr Studio 1.6.2](https://pypi.org/project/tinymovr/1.6.0/) with this firmware release.