* PyPI 1.9.0
* Add support for subdevices connected to gateway by LesTR in https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/pull/222
* Rework Zigbee Gateway handling to support multiple devices with persistent connections by uzlonewolf in https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/pull/226
* Add support for newer IR devices, and several IR format converters by uzlonewolf in https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/pull/228
* Rework Cloud log start/end times, and update documentation by uzlonewolf in https://github.com/jasonacox/tinytuya/pull/229
import tinytuya
Zigbee Gateway support uses a parent/child model where a parent gateway device is
connected and then one or more children are added.
Configure the parent device
gw = tinytuya.Device( 'eb...4', address=None, local_key='aabbccddeeffgghh', persist=True, version=3.3 )
print( 'GW IP found:', gw.address )
Configure one or more children. Every dev_id must be unique!
zigbee1 = tinytuya.OutletDevice( 'eb14...w', cid='0011223344556601', parent=gw )
zigbee2 = tinytuya.OutletDevice( 'eb04...l', cid='0011223344556689', parent=gw )