* Make clusters look better by averaging locations of clustered points
* Add --accumulate-attribute to keep attributes of dropped, coalesced, or clustered features * Make sure numeric command line arguments are actually numbers * Don't coalesce features whose non-string-pool attributes don't match
* Add an option to produce only a single tile * Retain non-ASCII characters in layernames generated from filenames * Remember to close input files after reading them * Add --coalesce-fraction-as-needed and --coalesce-densest-as-needed * Report distances in both feet and meters
* Fix opportunities for integer overflow and out-of-bounds references
* Add --cluster-densest-as-needed to cluster features * Add --maximum-tile-features to set the maximum number of features in a tile
* Support CSV point input * Don't coalesce features that have different IDs but are otherwise identical * Remove the 700-point limit on coalesced features, since polygon merging is no longer a performance problem