Version 0.4.0 includes full sqlite3 database support, and allows for titr to be fully used on a daily without an Excel spreadsheet.
* Deep work function now displays color based on whether goal is being met. Greatly improved formatting. ([`d69a359`](
* Import data from csv ([`c8c97d5`](
* Added basic timecard command and functionality ([`7647dc7`](
* Add command to display total deep work and deep work over last 365 days. ([`b2ea0e8`](
* Timecard function improved formatting. ([`caa6a95`](
* Better formatting for TimeEntry string function ([`d703f6a`](
* Better formatting of TimeEntry ([`e0903b1`](
* Cleaner text formatting for console help commands. ([`016251d`](
* Help command no longer shows blank doc for some commands. ([`709af52`](
* Time entries in database now have correct user_key for categories; no longer linked to category_id erroneously. ([`d6da539`](
* Deep_work function pulls from ConsoleSession database. ([`c9edd69`](
* Test and error handling if no time entries found within work week for timecard function. ([`e1253a5`](
* Help function now displays multi-line dotstrings without unwanted indentation ([`aac1cb6`](
* Enforce unique ids and keys a for tasks table ([`722b204`](
* Disable ability to call outlook commands from linux ([`b75753d`](
* Add default for console.outlook_item = None ([`011a90e`](