First 'real' release with TittaPy as backend for eye tracking
adding `TittaLSL::Sender::getStreamSourceID()` / `TittaLSL.Sender.getStreamSourceID()` / `TittaLSLPy.Sender.get_stream_source_id()` to retrieve what a local stream is/would be identified as
- Small internal changes that don't affect the user - Include readme in Python wheels
- TittaPy: add get_eye_tracker_from_address - Some correctness and performance fixes - TittaLSL now in its final form, interface redone and much simplified. Now works correctly. Eye image support *not yet implemented*.
Some correctness fixes to TittaPy Adding TittaLSL: a separate package that allows to stream over the network and receive eye tracker data using an API very similar to Titta
bumping cibuildwheel to add support for Python 3.12 (untested)