This is the first TJPCov release. It is still **under active development and changes can happen** (although we will try to minimize the disruption and fix whatever we break). There are also parts of the code that do not work as intended or are still not implemented. At the moment this version fully support:
- Gaussian covariance with NaMaster (in 21) and SSC with halo-model approximation as implemented in CCL (in 34). This can be used directly in TJPcov or through TXPipe (25 and 26). By carlosggarcia
- Wigner transforms. These are used to project the Fourier space covariances to real space. Tested through TXPipe in Judit et al 2022 with Gaussian simulations. By felipeaoli & sukhdeep2
- MPI parallelization by carlosggarcia in 29.
In addition,
- There is an implementation of the fsky approximation in Fourier and Real space that has some problems with the binning at the moment (52 & 39). By felipeaoli & sukhdeep2
- The code has been rewritten to have a better API that makes development and usage easier by carlosggarcia in 44 and 51.