- `display_columns()` no longer redraws if `deselect_all` is `True` even when `redraw` is `False`
- `extra_bindings()` cell editors carrying out cell edits even if validation function returns `None`
- Index and header alignments wrongly associated with column and row alignments if `align_header`/`align_index` were `False`
- Undo drag and drop wrong position if columns move back to higher index
- Error when shift b1 press in headers/index while using extra bindings
- Internal variable name `data_ref` to `data`
- `get_currently_selected()` and `currently_selected()` see documentation for more information
- The way `extra_bindings()` + `begin_edit_cell` works, now if `None` is returned then the cell editor will not be opened
- Paste repeats when selection box is larger than pasted items and is a multiple of pasted box
- `move_row()`/`move_column()` now internally use `move_rows()`/`move_columns()`
- `black` theme text to be a lot brighter
- Spacebar to edit cell keys
- Function `open_cell()` which uses currently selected box and mouse event
- Function `data` see the documentation for more info
- Functions `get_cell_alignments()`, `get_row_alignments()`, `get_column_alignments()`, `reset_all_options()`, `delete_out_of_bounds_options()`
- Functions `move_columns()`, `move_rows()`