.. note::
This release contains backward incompatible changes. You should update
your code.
Old ``get_tld`` functionality is moved to ``get_fld`` (first-level
domain definition). The ``as_object`` argument (False by default) has been
deprecated for ``get_fld``.
.. code-block:: python
res = get_tld("http://www.google.co.uk", as_object=True)
**Old behaviour**
.. code-block:: text
In: res.domain
Out: 'google'
In: res.extension
Out: 'co.uk'
In: res.subdomain
Out: 'www'
In: res.suffix
Out: 'co.uk'
In: res.tld
Out: 'google.co.uk'
**New behaviour**
.. code-block:: text
In: res.fld
Out: 'google.co.uk'
In: res.tld
Out: 'co.uk'
In: res.domain
Out: 'google'
In: res.subdomain
Out: 'www'
When used without ``as_object`` it returns ``co.uk``.
If you have been happily using old version of ``get_tld`` function without
``as_object`` argument set to ``True``, you might want to replace ``get_tld``
import with ``get_fld`` import:
.. code-block:: python
from tld import get_tld
from tld import get_fld
- Move to a Trie to match TLDs. This brings a speed up of 15-20%.
- It's now possible to search in public, private or all suffixes (old
behaviour). Use ``search_public`` and ``search_private`` arguments accordingly.
By default (to support old behavior), both are set to True.
- Correct TLD definitions.
- Domains like `*****.xn--fiqs8s` are now recognized as well.
- Due to usage of ``urlsplit`` instead of ``urlparse``, the initial list of TLDs
is assembled quicker (a speed-up of 15-20%).
- Docs/ directory is included in source distribution tarball.
- More tests.