Merged Pull Requests
- Update TSPDevice.load_script() to accept raw strings ([308](
- fix: Update stub generation helper function to handle classes followed by dataclasses ([307](
- Add function to register USBTMC connection information for devices that don't have native USBTMC connection support in tm_devices ([306](
- python-deps(deps-dev): Bump the python-dependencies group with 2 updates ([304](
- fix: Ensure that the default VISA timeout value is not overwritten if a new config is loaded that doesn't specify a default VISA timeout. ([303](
- gh-actions(deps): Bump tektronix/python-package-ci-cd ([287](
- chore: Bump the version of tektronix/python-package-ci-cd to v1.3.0 in workflows ([301](
- build: Update license identifier ([299](
- python-deps(deps): Bump the python-dependencies group with 3 updates ([300](
- Enable customizing the default visa timeout ([293](
- python-deps(deps-dev): Bump the python-dependencies group with 4 updates ([296](
- Update python-pacage-ci-cd to v1.1.0 and use tokens to upload to PyPI ([291](
- python-deps(deps): Bump the python-dependencies group across 1 directory with 2 updates ([288](
- chore: Remove an unneeded development dependency ([286](
- Convert to using reusable workflows from the `tektronix/python-package-ci-cd` repo ([284](
- Added a config option (`default_visa_timeout`) to specify the default VISA timeout for all initial VISA device connections.
- Added a new function, `register_additional_usbtmc_mapping()`, to enable users to add USBTMC connection information for devices that don't have native support for USBTMC connections in `tm_devices` yet.
- Added `TSPDevice.export_buffers()` to write tsp buffer data fields to file, default is comma separated values with buffer names header.
- Switched all workflows to use the new [`tektronix/python-package-ci-cd`]( reusable workflows.
- Reduced the out-of-the box `default_visa_timeout` value from 30 seconds to 5 seconds.
- _**SEMI-BREAKING CHANGE**_: Changed the `USB_MODEL_ID_LOOKUP` constant to use `SupportedModels` as keys instead of values to make the documentation clearer.
- _**SEMI-BREAKING CHANGE**_: Changed the `DEVICE_DRIVER_MODEL_MAPPING` constant to use `SupportedModels` as keys instead of values to make the documentation clearer.
- _**SEMI-BREAKING CHANGE**_: Changed the input parameter order in `TSPDevice.load_script()` and updated it to accept raw string input in addition to the `file_path` parameter for the script content.
- Verbosity with `PIDevice.write()` now handles multiline input printouts.
- Renamed `TSPDevice.write_buffers()` to `TSPDevice.export_buffers()` for clarity.
- Fixed a bug in the stubgen helper code responsible for adding dynamically added methods to stub files that caused invalid stub files to be created if a dataclass immediately followed a class that was being dynamically updated.