Wrote a proper documentation on [ReadTheDocs](https://tmrl.readthedocs.io/en/latest/)
Added support for REDQ-SAC.
In order to train using REDQ-SAC in TrackMania, you can perform a clean install (i.e., delete the `TmrlData` folder, then `pip install tmrl`) and replace the "SAC" entry by "REDQSAC" in `config.json`
pip will now attempt to copy the `Scripts` folder to `OpenplanetNext` on `Windows` automatically (instead of requiring users to do it manually). This will only work if `OpenplanetNext` is in home folder, otherwise the user still needs to copy the `Scripts` folder manually.
The screenshot-taking mechanism has been substantially optimized in the Trackmania 2020 LIDAR environment. Thanks AndrejGobeX!
Adapted the TrackMania environment to the new version of Gym (0.22)
Major update.
The repo has been completely repackaged into a proper python library to support a broad spectrum of real-time applications.
A full tutorial for using `tmrl` as a library is now available for developers.
The user interface is unchanged, but the library itself is backward incompatible.
We recommend performing a clean install by deleting the `TmrlData` folder (weights from 0.0.2 will still work, but training checkpoints will not).