- Make the package build for epel7 and epel8
- Implement test discover from execute shell script
- Disable /plan/helps for running in cruncher (74)
- Do not fail ansible execution on 'stty cols' error
- Use a list for storing converted requires
- Add Requires to main.fmf when converting tests (65)
- Fix command debug output to join tuples as well. (77)
- Set 80 chars for ansible-playbook on localhost
- Use tmt to init tree, extra folder for playbooks
- Fix log and error handling in execute
- Fail in run.sh if there are Missing tests.
- Use sudo in prepare step to allow local execution
- Fix run_vagrant() to work with shell=True
- Use tmt init --template, not --mini|--base|--full (69)
- Add a simple local provision plan to examples
- Simplify step selection test, simple local example
- Fix conflicting options, revert copr config
- Add `--guest` support for the provision step
- Depend on git-core and not the full git package (64)
- Use shell=True as a default in utils' run()
- Put quotes in `pip install .[*]` in README (67)
- Use parent run context to check for enabled steps
- Improve the enabled steps implementation
- Add 'mock' to the extra test requires [fix 63]
- Add a new story for developing upgrade tests
- Update fedora targets for packit
- Add vagrant to BuildRequires (needed to run tests)
- Add stories for connecting to a provisioned box
- Separate the provision step into multiple stories
- Fix provision tests to work with older mock (51)
- Install the latest mock module for testing
- Default to vagrant provision, use the tree root
- Update documentation coverage links
- Move new docs to examples, adjust style & content
- Add prepare functionality to local provision
- Import examples from psss's talk
- Add an argument to ProvisionBase.copy_from_guest (41)
- Remove unused imports, fix crash, shell prepare
- Initial prepare and finish steps implementation
- Document the vagrant-rsync-back plugin workaround
- Fix beakerlib execution, show overall results
- Better execute with logs and better run.sh
- Implement 'tmt init --base' with working examples
- Add git to the main package requires
- Add tmt & python3-nitrate to the tmt-all requires
- Create subpackage 'tmt-all' with all dependencies
- Use package_data to package the test runner
- Apply requested file mode in create_file()
- Run tmt tests local by default, fix provision show
- Implement image selection using provision --image
- Do not re-raise tmt exceptions in debug mode
- Package the runner, dry mode in Common.run()
- Support multiline output in common display methods
- Enable command line filtering in discover.shell
- Default discover method has to be 'shell'
- Fix Common.run() to capture all output, log all
- Fix broken test/plan/story create, add some tests
- Better config handling in ProvisionVagrant.
- Implement 'sync-back' and simple VagrantProvision.