* Documentation updates and deployment of pip wheels on tags (PR `356`_).
* Cleanups of conviqt polarization support (PR `347`_).
* Support elevation nods in ground simulations (PR `355`_).
* Fix a bug in parallel writing of Healpix FITS files (PR `354`_).
* Remove dependence on MPI compilers. Only mpi4py is needed (PR `350`_).
* Use the native mapmaker by default in the example pipelines (PR `352`_).
* Updates to build system for pip wheel compatibility (PR `348`_, `351`_).
* Switch to github actions instead of travis for continuous integration (PR `349`_).
* Updates to many parts of the simulation and filtering operators (PR `341`_).
* In the default Healpix pointing matrix, support None for HWP angle (PR `345`_).
* Add support for HWP in conviqt beam convolution (PR `343`_).
* Reimplementation of example jobs used for benchmarks (PR `332`_).
* Apply atmosphere scaling in temperature, not intensity (PR `328`_).
* Minor bugfix in binner when running in debug mode (PR `325`_).
* Add optional boresight offset to the scheduler (PR `329`_).
* Implement helper tools for parsing mapmaker options (PR `321`_).
.. _`356`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/356
.. _`347`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/347
.. _`355`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/355
.. _`354`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/354
.. _`350`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/350
.. _`352`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/352
.. _`351`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/351
.. _`348`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/348
.. _`349`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/349
.. _`341`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/341
.. _`345`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/345
.. _`343`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/343
.. _`332`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/332
.. _`328`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/328
.. _`325`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/325
.. _`329`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/329
.. _`321`: https://github.com/hpc4cmb/toast/pull/321