
Latest version: v1.13.0

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tockloader automatically searches for any serial ports with the string "tock"
in the information returned by serial ports.

This release adds the `-d`/`--device-name` flag, which allows users change this
search string to search for more specific devices.

Previously, if the search was ambiguous, tockloader would simply choose the
first device arbitrarily. Now it presents an interactive menu.

Other features:
- When possible, check that the binary was compiled with all required flags
- Terminals will retitle based on active connections


This release adds the `add`, `remove`, and `replace` commands which make it much easier to program a Tock board with multiple apps.

Other features:
- Sort apps by binary size for the MPU.
- Auto find .bin files so you can just run `tockloader add` in an app directory.
- Check to see if Make has thing to build and warn the user.
- Allow arguments in a more flexible order.
- Better ignore bluetooth devices on mac when searching for a board's serial port.


- Use pyserial's grep feature to find boards with the string "tock" in them.
- Fix string printing issue when CRC checks fail.

Known Issues
- Some binaries causes a CRC check to fail repeatedly even though the binary is flashed successfully.


Get a version on PyPI that supports `flash` and `listen`.

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