* Added ``TOK.DOMAIN`` and ``TOK.HASHTAG`` token types * Improved handling of capitalized month name *Ágúst*, which is now recognized as such when it follows an ordinal number * Improved recognition of telephone numbers * Added abbreviations
Added abbreviations; updated GitHub URLs to point to mideind instead of vthorsteinsson
Added support for composites with more than two parts, i.e. *„dómsmála-, ferðamála-, iðnaðar- og nýsköpunarráðherra“*; added support for ``±`` sign; added several abbreviations
Fixed bug where the name 'Ágúst' was recognized as a month name. Unicode nonbreaking and invisible space characters are now removed before tokenization.
Added support for Unicode fraction characters; enhanced handing of degrees (°, °C, °F); fixed bug in cubic meter measurement unit; more abbreviations
Fixed bug in liter measurement unit (`l` and `ltr`); was 1000 times too large