- ([156](https://github.com/filipsnastins/tomodachi-testcontainers/pull/156)) The `EphemeralDockerImage` and `testcontainers_docker_image` fixture will raise the original error message if the Docker build with BuiltKit fails. Previously, the original error was hidden.
New features
- Enable parallel test execution with `pytest-xdist`
Breaking changes
- Fixture `testcontainers_docker_image` now returns an `image_id` as a `str` instead of `docker.models.images.Image` instance.
New features
- Support Python 3.12
- `DynamoDBAdminContainer`: fix AWS region configuration.
New features
- `TomodachiContainer` - added support for exporting code coverage. - `TomodachiContainer` - added example of how to attach a remote debugger to the container.
- `README`: documented Testcontainer debugging tips. - `README`: documented how to export test coverage from `TomodachiContainer`.
- `DockerContainer` - logs forwarded from the Testcontainers will exclude timestamps to make it easier to read the logs - log lines will be shorter. - `DockerContainer` - removed `testconatiners-` prefix from the container name to make it easier to read the logs - log lines will be shorter.
- Set `AWS_DEFAULT_REGION`, `AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID` and `AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY` environment variables on LocalStack container.
New features
- `LocalStackContainer` - updated base image to `localstack/localstack:3` - `PostgreSQLContainer` - updated base image to `postgres:16`
- `DockerContainer`: remove container if startup failed instead of leaving it in stopped state. - `MySQLContainer`: add `cryptography` as an extra dependency. Required for `pymysql`.