* Since NumPy was introduced in tomotopy, many methods and properties of tomotopy return not just list, but numpy.ndarray now.
* Tomotopy has a new dependency NumPy >= 1.10.0.
* A wrong estimation of tomotopy.HDPModel.infer was fixed.
* A new method about converting HDPModel to LDAModel was added.
* New properties including tomotopy.LDAModel.used_vocabs, tomotopy.LDAModel.used_vocab_freq and tomotopy.LDAModel.used_vocab_df were added into topic models.
* A new g-DMR topic model(tomotopy.GDMRModel) was added.
* An error at initializing tomotopy.label.FoRelevance in macOS was fixed.
* An error that occured when using tomotopy.utils.Corpus created without raw parameters was fixed.