TopoPyScale` is improving and being tested by more users. New features, improvements and bug fixes justify a new release. The whole downscaling process gain speed by spreading the load on multicores. This was tested on laptops and servers.
**WARNING**: This new release requires Python >= 3.8. Otherwise, python runs into a memory leak and crashes.
New features:
- multicore, paralleization of `topo_scale`
- tools to explore optimal number of clusters in `topo_sub`
- implementation of feature importance for clustering. New field in config file needed
- added precipitation lapse-rate option, [commit](1dfec4804560b7ae331800de17ad0afe1bf0fe5c)
- simplification of path management using the library pathlib
- remove all usage of `open_mfdataset()` or `to_mfdataset` that are not as efficient as expected
- simplification of `tmp` files during downscaling. 85a4149137da173b392d5ceb336f6c18e4877ed9
- added error message in case upper pressure level is not high enough
Bug fixes:
- `to_netcdf()` default case bug fixed
- plotting routines for variable mapping fixed
- fixed bug in time-batch handling of files
- bug in `fetch_WMO()` fixed