What's Changed
* Add step to upload to test.pypi.org by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/85
* Switch from test.pypi.org to the main PyPI repository by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/86
* Restore NaNs in the original DEM after filling sinks by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/88
* Add tests to ensure DEM is left unchanged by fillsinks by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/89
* Number nodes of StreamObject correctly by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/78
* Wrap streamquad_trapz_* by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/79
* Add reproject method by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/91
* utils.show: Index into the multidimensional axes object by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/92
* Make shape, rows and columns properties of GridObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/93
* Update installation instructions in README and docs by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/87
* Fix links to CONTRIBUTING.md in docs by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/94
* Add repository button to the docs by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/95
* Move example notebooks to docs/examples by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/96
* Add wrapping guide to docs by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/98
* Use `fillsinks_hybrid` by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/99
* Clear outputs from StreamObject notebook by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/101
* Add Curvature to GridObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/100
* Create a Getting Started with TopoToolbox guide by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/102
* Add filter function to GridObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/107
* Add erode to GridObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/116
* Add dilate to GridObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/117
* Implement `StreamObject.chitransform` by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/115
* Add curvature to the Getting Started guide by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/118
* Add Evansslope to GridObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/119
* Rename partial_derivitives -> partial_derivatives by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/121
* Implement drainagebasins by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/122
* Add shufflelabel method to GridObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/123
* Add Drainage basin delineation section to the Getting Started guide by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/124
* Make fillsinks memory-order agnostic by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/125
* Add test dependencies as an optional dependency by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/126
* Report the minimum and maximum data values in GridObject.info by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/128
* Add xy method to StreamObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/129
* Plot StreamObjects with line segments (plus an API change for the plotting) by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/130
* Add Aspect to GridObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/132
* Add aspect to the Getting Started guide by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/137
* Replace GridObject.show with GridObject.plot by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/142
* Add downstream_distance method to StreamObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/143
* Pass zero-based source and target arrays to libtopotoolbox traversal by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/144
* Use the new libtopotoolbox flow routing API by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/147
* Add plotdz to StreamObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/148
* Fix a few errors in documentation formatting for StreamObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/149
* Add dunit and doffset keyword arguments to StreamObject.plotdz by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/150
* docs: Use nearest-neighbor interpolation with discrete data by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/151
* Pass a seed to shufflelabel for reproducible shuffling by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/152
* Add trunk to StreamObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/153
* Add trunk to the Getting Started Guide by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/154
* Implement klargestconncomps by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/155
* Add klargestconncomps to the Getting Started Guide by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/156
* Add Prominence to GridObject by Teschl in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/158
* Fix numbering of rows and columns in the StreamObject tests by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/159
* Clean up the StreamObject tests by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/160
* Split the one StreamObject test into several test functions by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/161
* Remove unused tests/test_utils.py and tests/__init__.py by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/162
* Make sure the excesstopography TypeError test runs by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/163
* Add hillshade to GridObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/164
* Only run the release workflow on the main TopoToolbox repository by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/166
* Add a plot_hs method to GridObject by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/165
* Bump the version in pyproject.toml by wkearn in https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/pull/167
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/TopoToolbox/pytopotoolbox/compare/v0.0.1...v0.0.2