Changes: * Added support for custom images with `custom_image_param`
Changes: * Moved completely to torch `v1.8.x` * FFT parameterization with shape `[1, 3, height, width]` from `[1, 3, height, width//2, 2]` * Fixed failing tests due to incorrect device allocations
Changes: * Fix random crashes on google colab caused due to `torch.fft.irfftn` on torch `v1.8.x`
Updates: * `auto_image_param` instances can be saved as images with `'image.jpg')` * Fixed random crashes on google colab * `dreamer.get_snapshot()` now in testing * feedback loops now don't modify the original image parameter. Uses a `deepcopy` instead
* Optimization on multiple models simultaneously is now possible * Ability to use custom `torchvision.transforms` * Much better visualization quality thanks to `torch.fft` * Supports both torch `v1.7` and `v1,8` * Faster optimizations