- Added a memory-efficient `utils.one_hot` implementation ([7005](
- Added `HeteroDictLinear` and an optimized `FastHGTConv` module ([6178](, [#6998](
- Added the `DenseGATConv` module ([6928](
- Added `trim_to_layer` utility function for more efficient `NeighborLoader` use-cases ([6661](
- Added the `DistMult` KGE model ([6958](
- Added `HeteroData.set_value_dict` functionality ([6961](, [#6974](
- Added PyTorch >= 2.0 support ([6934](, [#7000](
- Added PyTorch Lightning >= 2.0 support ([6929](
- Added the `ComplEx` KGE model ([6898](
- Added option to write benchmark results to csv ([6888](
- Added `HeteroLayerNorm` and `HeteroBatchNorm` layers ([6838](
- Added the `HeterophilousGraphDataset` suite ([6846](
- Added support for sparse tensor in full batch mode inference benchmark ([6843](
- Enabled `NeighborLoader` to return number of sampled nodes and edges per hop ([6834](
- Added `ZipLoader` to execute multiple `NodeLoader` or `LinkLoader` instances ([6829](
- Added common `` and `utils.narrow` functionality to support filtering of both tensors and lists ([6162](
- Support `normalization` customization in `get_mesh_laplacian` ([6790](
- Added the `TemporalEncoding` module ([6785](
- Added CPU-optimized `spmm_reduce` functionality via CSR format ([6699](, [#6759](
- Added support for the revised version of the `MD17` dataset ([6734](
- Added TorchScript support to the `RECT_L` model ([6727](
- Added TorchScript support to the `Node2Vec` model ([6726](
- Added `utils.to_edge_index` to convert sparse tensors to edge indices and edge attributes ([6728](
- Fixed expected data format in `PolBlogs` dataset ([6714](
- Added `SimpleConv` to perform non-trainable propagation ([6718](
- Added a `RemoveDuplicatedEdges` transform ([6709](
- Added TorchScript support to the `LINKX` model ([6712](
- Added `torch.jit` examples for `example/` and `example/`([6602](
- Added `Pad` transform ([5940](, [#6697](, [#6731](, [#6758](
- Added full batch mode to the inference benchmark ([6631](
- Added `cat` aggregation type to the `HeteroConv` class so that features can be concatenated during grouping ([6634](
- Added `torch.compile` support and benchmark study ([6610](, [#6952](, [#6953](, [#6980](, [#6983](, [#6984](, [#6985](, [#6986](, [#6989](, [#7002](
- Added the `AntiSymmetricConv` layer ([6577](
- Added a mixin for Huggingface model hub integration ([5930](, [#6591](
- Added support for accelerated GNN layers in `nn.conv.cugraph` via `cugraph-ops` ([6278](, [#6388](, [#6412](
- Added accelerated `index_sort` function from `pyg-lib` for faster sorting ([6554](
- Fix incorrect device in `EquilibriumAggregration` ([6560](
- Added bipartite graph support in `dense_to_sparse()` ([6546](
- Add CPU affinity support for more data loaders ([6534](, [#6922](
- Added the `BAMultiShapesDataset` ([6541](
- Added the interfaces of a graph pooling framework ([6540](
- Added automatic `n_id` and `e_id` attributes to mini-batches produced by `NodeLoader` and `LinkLoader` ([6524](
- Added `PGMExplainer` to `torch_geometric.contrib` ([6149](, [#6588](, [#6589](
- Added a `NumNeighbors` helper class for specifying the number of neighbors when sampling ([6501](, [#6505](, [#6690](
- Added caching to `is_node_attr()` and `is_edge_attr()` calls ([6492](
- Added `ToHeteroLinear` and `ToHeteroMessagePassing` modules to accelerate `to_hetero` functionality ([5992](, [#6456](
- Added `GraphMaskExplainer` ([6284](
- Added the `GRBCD` and `PRBCD` adversarial attack models ([5972](
- Added `dropout` option to `SetTransformer` and `GraphMultisetTransformer` ([6484](
- Added option to customize loader arguments for evaluation in `LightningNodeData` and `LightningLinkData` ([6450](, [#6456](
- Added option to customize `num_neighbors` in `NeighborSampler` after instantiation ([6446](
- Added the `Taobao` dataset and a corresponding example for it ([6144](
- Added `pyproject.toml` ([6431](
- Added the `torch_geometric.contrib` sub-package ([6422](
- Warn on using latest documentation ([6418](
- Added basic `pyright` type checker support ([6415](
- Added a new external resource for link prediction ([6396](
- Added `CaptumExplainer` ([6383](, [#6387](, [#6433](, [#6487](, [#6966](
- Added support for custom `HeteroData` mini-batch class in remote backends ([6377](
- Added the `GNNFF` model ([5866](
- Added `MLPAggregation`, `SetTransformerAggregation`, `GRUAggregation`, and `DeepSetsAggregation` as adaptive readout functions ([6301](, [#6336](, [#6338](
- Added `Dataset.to_datapipe` for converting PyG datasets into a torchdata `DataPipe`([6141](
- Added `to_nested_tensor` and `from_nested_tensor` functionality ([6329](, [#6330](, [#6331](, [#6332](
- Added the `GPSConv` Graph Transformer layer and example ([6326](, [#6327](
- Added `networkit` conversion utilities ([6321](
- Added global dataset attribute access via `dataset.{attr_name}` ([6319](
- Added the `TransE` KGE model and example ([6314](
- Added the Freebase `FB15k_237` dataset ([3204](
- Added `Data.update()` and `HeteroData.update()` functionality ([6313](
- Added `PGExplainer` ([6204](
- Added the `AirfRANS` dataset ([6287](
- Added `AttentionExplainer` ([6279](
- Added (un)faithfulness explainability metric ([6090](
- Added fidelity explainability metric ([6116](, [#6510](
- Added subgraph visualization of GNN explanations ([6235](, [#6271](
- Added weighted negative sampling option in `LinkNeighborLoader` ([6264](
- Added the `BA2MotifDataset` explainer dataset ([6257](
- Added `CycleMotif` motif generator to generate `n`-node cycle shaped motifs ([6256](
- Added the `InfectionDataset` to evaluate explanations ([6222](
- Added `characterization_score` and `fidelity_curve_auc` explainer metrics ([6188](
- Added `get_message_passing_embeddings` ([6201](
- Added the `PointGNNConv` layer ([6194](
- Added `GridGraph` graph generator to generate grid graphs ([6220](
- Added explainability metrics for when ground truth is available ([6137](
- Added `visualize_feature_importance` to support node feature visualizations ([6094](
- Added heterogeneous graph support to `Explanation` framework ([6091](, [#6218](
- Added a `CustomMotif` motif generator ([6179](
- Added `ERGraph` graph generator to generate Ergos-Renyi (ER) graphs ([6073](
- Added `BAGraph` graph generator to generate Barabasi-Albert graphs - the usage of `datasets.BAShapes` is now deprecated ([6072](
- Added explainability benchmark dataset framework ([6104](
- Added `seed_time` attribute to temporal `NodeLoader` outputs in case `input_time` is given ([6196](
- Added `Data.edge_subgraph` and `HeteroData.edge_subgraph` functionalities ([6193](
- Added `input_time` option to `LightningNodeData` and `transform_sampler_output` to `NodeLoader` and `LinkLoader` ([6187](
- Added `summary` for PyG/PyTorch models ([5859](, [#6161](
- Started adding `torch.sparse` support to PyG ([5906](, [#5944](, [#6003](, [#6033](, [#6514](, [#6532](, [#6748](, [#6847](, [#6868](, [#6874](, [#6897](, [#6930](, [#6932](, [#6936](, [#6937](, [#6939](, [#6947](, [#6950](, [#6951](, [#6957](
- Add `inputs_channels` back in training benchmark ([6154](
- Added support for dropping nodes in `utils.to_dense_batch` in case `max_num_nodes` is smaller than the number of nodes ([6124](
- Added the RandLA-Net architecture as an example ([5117](
- Migrate to `pyproject.toml` for packaging ([6880](
- Drop internal usage of `__dunder__` names ([6999](
- Changed the interface of `sort_edge_index`, `coalesce` and `to_undirected` to only return single `edge_index` information in case the `edge_attr` argument is not specified ([6875](, [#6879](, [#6893](
- Fixed a bug in `to_hetero` when using an uninitialized submodule without implementing `reset_parameters` ([6863](
- Fixed a bug in `get_mesh_laplacian` ([6790](
- Fixed a bug in which masks were not properly masked in `GNNExplainer` on link prediction tasks ([6787](
- Allow the usage of `ChebConv` within `GNNExplainer` ([6778](
- Allow setting the `EdgeStorage.num_edges` property ([6710](
- Fixed a bug in `utils.bipartite_subgraph()` and updated docs of `HeteroData.subgraph()` ([6654](
- Properly reset the `data_list` cache of an `InMemoryDataset` when accessing `` ([6685](
- Fixed a bug in `Data.subgraph()` and `HeteroData.subgraph()` ([6613](
- Fixed a bug in `PNAConv` and `DegreeScalerAggregation` to correctly incorporate degree statistics of isolated nodes ([6609](
- Improved code coverage ([6523](, [#6538](, [#6555](, [#6558](, [#6568](, [#6573](, [#6578](, [#6597](, [#6600](, [#6618](, [#6619](, [#6621](, [#6623](, [#6637](, [#6638](, [#6640](, [#6645](, [#6648](, [#6647](, [#6653](, [#6657](, [#6662](, [#6664](, [#6667](, [#6668](, [#6669](, [#6670](, [#6671](, [#6673](, [#6675](, [#6676](, [#6677](, [#6678](, [#6681](, [#6683](, [#6703](, [#6720](, [#6735](, [#6736](, [#6763](, [#6781](, [#6797](, [#6799](, [#6824](, [#6858](
- Fixed a bug in which `data.to_heterogeneous()` filtered attributs in the wrong dimension ([6522](
- Breaking Change: Temporal sampling will now also sample nodes with an equal timestamp to the seed time (requires `pyg-lib>0.1.0`) ([6517](
- Changed `DataLoader` workers with affinity to start at `cpu0` ([6512](
- Allow 1D input to `global_*_pool` functions ([6504](
- Add information about dynamic shapes in `RGCNConv` ([6482](
- Fixed the use of types removed in `numpy 1.24.0` ([6495](
- Fixed keyword parameters in `examples/` ([6478](
- Unified `LightningNodeData` and `LightningLinkData` code paths ([6473](
- Allow indices with any integer type in `RGCNConv` ([6463](
- Re-structured the documentation ([6420](, [#6423](, [#6429](, [#6440](, [#6443](, [#6445](, [#6452](, [#6453](, [#6458](, [#6459](, [#6460](, [#6490](, [#6491](, [#6693](, [#6744](
- Fix the default arguments of `DataParallel` class ([6376](
- Fix `ImbalancedSampler` on sliced `InMemoryDataset` ([6374](
- Breaking Change: Changed the interface and implementation of `GraphMultisetTransformer` ([6343](
- Fixed the approximate PPR variant in `transforms.GDC` to not crash on graphs with isolated nodes ([6242](
- Added a warning when accesing `` ([6318](
- Drop `SparseTensor` dependency in `GraphStore` ([5517](
- Replace `NeighborSampler` with `NeighborLoader` in the distributed sampling example ([6204](
- Fixed the filtering of node features in `transforms.RemoveIsolatedNodes` ([6308](
- Fixed a bug in `DimeNet` that causes a output dimension mismatch ([6305](
- Fixed `Data.to_heterogeneous()` with empty `edge_index` ([6304](
- Unify `Explanation.node_mask` and `Explanation.node_feat_mask` ([6267](
- Moved thresholding config of the `Explainer` to `Explanation` ([6215](
- Fixed a bug in the output order in `HeteroLinear` for un-sorted type vectors ([6198](
- Breaking Change: Move `ExplainerConfig` arguments to the `Explainer` class ([6176](
- Refactored `NeighborSampler` to be input-type agnostic ([6173](
- Infer correct CUDA device ID in `profileit` decorator ([6164](
- Correctly use edge weights in `GDC` example ([6159](
- Breaking Change: Moved PyTorch Lightning data modules to `` ([6140](
- Make `torch_sparse` an optional dependency ([6132](, [#6134](, [#6138](, [#6139](, [#7387](
- Optimized `utils.softmax` implementation ([6113](, [#6155](, [#6805](
- Optimized `topk` implementation for large enough graphs ([6123](
- `torch-sparse` is now an optional dependency ([6625](, [#6626](, [#6627](, [#6628](, [#6629](, [#6630](
- Removed most of the `torch-scatter` dependencies ([6394](, [#6395](, [#6399](, [#6400](, [#6615](, [#6617](
- Removed the deprecated classes `GNNExplainer` and `Explainer` from `nn.models` ([6382](
- Removed `target_index` argument in the `Explainer` interface ([6270](
- Removed `Aggregation.set_validate_args` option ([6175](