* New filter basis normalization in DISCO convolutions * More robust pre-computation of DISCO convolution tensor * Reworked DISCO filter basis datastructure * Support for new filter basis types * Added Zernike polynomial basis on a disk * Added Morlet wavelet basis functions on a spherical disk * Cleaning up the SFNO example and adding new Local Spherical Neural Operator model * Updated resampling module to extend input signal to the poles if needed * Added slerp interpolation to the resampling module * Added distributed resampling module
* Changing default grid in all SHT routines to `equiangular` * Hotfix to the numpy version requirements
* Added resampling modules for convenience * Changing behavior of distributed SHT to use `dim=-3` as channel dimension * Fixing SHT unittests to test SHT and ISHT individually, rather than the roundtrip * Changing the way custom CUDA extensions are handled
* Hotfix to AMP in SFNO example
* CUDA-accelerated DISCO convolutions * Updated DISCO convolutions to support even number of collocation points across the diameter * Distributed DISCO convolutions * Fused quadrature into multiplication with the Psi tensor to lower memory footprint * Removed DISCO convolution in the plane to focus on the sphere * Updated unit tests which now include tests for the distributed convolutions
* Discrete-continuous (DISCO) convolutions on the sphere and in two dimensions * DISCO supports isotropic and anisotropic kernel functions parameterized as hat functions * Supports regular and transpose convolutions * Accelerated spherical DISCO convolutions on GPU via Triton implementation * Unittests for DISCO convolutions in `tests/test_convolution.py`