Release notes
Main updates
* Restructure how layers are composed as part of a `torch.nn.module` - see [`Layer`](
* In turn, see how `Layer` objects are structured into `torch.nn.Sequential` blocks (i.e., [`TorchNet`])(
* Some general guidance on organization principles of torch.nn.module, torch.nn.Sequential, etc. taken from [Pytorch-how-and-when-to-use-Module-Sequential-ModuleList-and-ModuleDict](
* And of course - as perhaps obvious - updated the name from `torch-composer` to the more succinct, `torch-nets`
Some to-do's remaining before the final release:
1. Add documentation and example notebooks
2. Add encoder / decoder modules
3. Add tests
Some general considerations:
1. How might be best to interface this with `pytorch_lightning.LightningModule`?
Autogenerated release notes
What's Changed
* Layer restructure by mvinyard in
**Full Changelog**: