Minor updates - Freeze module before rebuild if applicable (PR 205) - Refactor and improve result summary message (PR 206) - Update version (PRs 204, 207)
Bug fix - `strict` should not be used here (PR 202)
Minor update - Update version (PRs 201, 203)
Example updates - Restructure and make download=True (PR 190) - Make log_freq configurable for test (PR 191) - Refactor (PR 192) - Probably torch.cuda.synchronize() is no longer needed (PR 194) - Add an option to use teacher output (PR 195) - Replace no_grad with inference_mode (PR 199)
Minor updates - Add strict arg (PR 193) - Add assert error message (PR 196) - Check if ckpt file path is string (PR 197) - Check if batch images are instance of Tensor (PR 198) - Update version (PRs 189, 200)
New features - Add wrapped resize to enable specifying interpolation for resize (PR 182) - Add wrapped random crop resize to enable specifying interpolation for random crop resize (PR 183) - Enable to load ckpt containing only specific module and via URL (PR 187)
New examples and trained models - Add examples for PASCAL VOC 2012 (PRs 184, 186) - Update README (PR 185) - Add model weights of DeepLabv3 with ResNet-50/101 fine-tuned on PASCAL VOC 2012 (Segmentation)
Model implementations are available in [torchvision](https://github.com/pytorch/vision). These model weights are originally pretrained on COCO 2017 dataset (available in [torchvision](https://github.com/pytorch/vision)) and then fine-tuned on PASCAL VOC 2012 (Segmentation) dataset.
Minor updates - Add a version constant (PR 175) - Rename and add functions for ResNet-50 and ResNet-101 (PR 176) - Add CITATION file (PR 178) - Update version (PRs 174, 188) - Update README (PRs 179, 180)
Minor updates - Update version (PRs 161, 162, 173) - Update README (PRs 163, 164) - Add an option to log config (PR 169)
Bug fix - In PyTorch v.1.10, `load_state_dict_from_url` is no longer available in `torchvision.models.utils` (PR: 172)
New method - Add knowledge translation and adaptation + affinity distillation for semantic segmentation (PR 158)
Minor updates - Update version (PRs 151, 160) - Update README (PRs 153, 159) - Stop training when facing NaN or Infinity (PR 157)