What's Changed
* Change `launch` to `Launcher` dataclass by apoorvkh in https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/pull/40
* add pg_timeout flag by pmcurtin in https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/pull/44
* Func args by pmcurtin in https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/pull/51
* automatic function by pmcurtin in https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/pull/52
* Dependence on Setup Workflows in Github Actions by apoorvkh in https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/pull/57
* handle older PyTorch versions by pmcurtin in https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/pull/53
* examples to tests by pmcurtin in https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/pull/45
**Full Changelog**: https://github.com/apoorvkh/torchrunx/compare/0.1.2...0.1.3