The weights can be loaded normally as follows:
from torchvision.models import *
model1 = vit_h_14(weights="IMAGENET1K_SWAG_E2E_V1")
model2 = vit_h_14(weights="IMAGENET1K_SWAG_LINEAR_V1")
The SWAG weights are released under the [_Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International_]( license. We would like to thank [_Laura Gustafson_](, [_Mannat Singh_]( and [_Aaron Adcock_]( for their work and support in making the weights available to TorchVision.
Model Refresh
The release of the Multi-weight support API enabled us to refresh the most popular models and offer more accurate weights. We improved on average each model by ~3 points. The new recipe used was learned on top of ResNet50 and its details were covered on a [_previous blogpost_](
Model | Old weights | New weights
-- | -- | --