* Re-structured entire project * Added DistroWatch support * Fix TPB/KAT not showing some torrents * Fix sys.exit() codes * Speed optimisations * Instead of directly loading magnetic link to client, it is first printed. * Other minor fixes
* Added kickasstorrents (KAT) support. Use with (-k) argument. * Changed config directory to ~/.config/torrench from ~/.config/tpb [tpb/ -> torrench/] * Changed file structure for better code management * Other little bug fixes.
* Replaced termcolor dependency with colorama (cross-platform) * Fixed trusted uploader's output color (magenta) for windows. Color displays perfect now [TPB]
* setup.py - replaced bs4 to beautifulsoup4
* Added setup.py script [uploaded torrench on pypi] * Re-structured entire software for better management * [TPB] Changed config file directory to ~/.config/tpb/ (Linux) and ~\.config\tpb\ (Windows) * Minor code-fixes
[01/08/2017] * Added linuxtracker.org to search linux distro torrent [default] * Indexing torrents from TPB requires special configuration. It won't work without it. See documentation for more. (Read carefully!)