Released on April 13th 2018.
- Hyphenated, mixedCased, and CamelCased endpoints can be more easily
requested using the `hyphenate`, `mixedcase`, and `camelcase` option
(`44`_, `10`_)
- Retry request when catching a connection reset error (`40`_)
- It is now possible to request endpoints that collide with `Wrap`
attributes such as `config` (See discussion in `38`_)
- Extra kwargs in `tortilla.wrap()` are eventually passed to the
requests package, enabling many new features such as HTTPBasicAuth
.. _44: https://github.com/tortilla/tortilla/issues/44
.. _40: https://github.com/tortilla/tortilla/pull/40
.. _38: https://github.com/tortilla/tortilla/pull/38
.. _37: https://github.com/tortilla/tortilla/pull/37
.. _10: https://github.com/tortilla/tortilla/issues/10