Fix the incorrect assignment operator in "/properties".
Added quick start guide and supporting configurations.
Added support for SQL and Cassandra databases in schemas.
Added "bin/migrate" tool for migrating data between schemas.
Default database is in-memory "sqlite:///:memory:"
Added "host_settings" schema option.
Removed support for "/data" URI.
Added "/list" and "/properties" URIs.
Fixed significant performance degradation in all endpoints by correctly using WSGI.
Renamed "condensed" parameter in "/series" to "condense" to match latest kairos.
Added support for macros, which are the basis for exposing kairos' custom read functionality.
Fixed matching when there's a list of expressions and a list of stat names.
Include command line arguments when changing process title
Adds "rolling" option to schemas, allowing data to be inserted into multiple intervals at a time. This increases storage space but supports rapid calculation of aggregates over pre-determined interval ranges.