* Bugfix: add flush to DummyFile
* Require python >= 3.9 in setup.py
* properly add `vertebrae_body` model
* add `--roi_subset_robust` argument
* add `--fastest` argument
* allow `mps` as device (but not supported by pytorch yet)
* add inline python version requirement for `requests` package
* if input spacing same as resampling spacing then skip resampling
* from python api also return nifti with label map in header
* input to python api can be a Nifti1Image object or a file path
* upgrade to `nnunetv2>=2.2.1`
* for `total` task use nnU-Net `step_size=0.8` instead of `0.5` for faster runtime while only decreasing dice by 0.001
* minor edits and bugfixes