- AWS STS: Add `touchdown get-credentials ROLENAME`. This allows touchdown to
generate some temporary credentials and set them in the environment. The goal
of this feature is that you will be able to do this:
$ eval `touchdown get-credentials ROLE`
$ (deployment) awscli s3 sync ....
But for now the progress bar is also on stdout which stops this working.
- AWS EC2: Add support for attaching EBS Volumes to EC2 Instances.
- AWS EC2: Touchdown now waits after creating a Volume before trying to use it
with other resources.
- SSH: Basic portforwarding rules can now be attached to SSH connections:
This will allow you to connect to port 5432 on localhost (relative to the
machine you have SSH'd to) with:
touchdown portfwd db=8093
(In this case, port 8093 on your local machine will forward to port 5432 on
the remote machine).