- support `unit_scale` in `notebook`
- support negative update (432, 545)
- add `reset()` function (547, 545)
- add `[python setup.py] make run`
- add and update documentation
- example of dynamic usage (735, 545, 547, 432, 374)
- note writing issues (737)
- update badges
- add [PyData2019 slides link](https://tqdm.github.io/PyData2019/slides.html)
- add [JOSS paper](https://github.com/openjournals/joss-papers/blob/joss.01277/joss.01277/10.21105.joss.01277.pdf)
- update manpages
- add docker install
- add snapcraft install
- notebooks: add binder, rename RMOTR => notebooks.ai (679)
- prettify and unify contributors/maintainers/authors
- CI and release framework updates
- add snapcraft snaps (647)
- add travis auto-deployment (685)
+ PyPI releases
+ docker devel/releases
- update deployment dev docs
- fix travis deploy pymake
- update .gitinore
- add & update unit tests
- automate more documentation