
Latest version: v1.3.1

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Release for function enhacements

What's Changed
* DOC: change description and labels for activity by hong2223 in
* TST: Fix test error by hong2223 in
* BUG: Load extent correctly from postgis by bifbof in
* ENH: Computing speed per positionfix and mean speed per tripleg by NinaWie in
* TST: Fix ci by hong2223 in
* TST/BLD: Fix ci by hong2223 in
* ENH: Add `_explode_agg` to simplify id assignment in staypoint generation by bifbof in
* BUG: set `geometry` argument to `geom_col` by bifbof in
* ENH: 5x speed increase for staypoint generation by bifbof in
* ENH: Add crs to TestSpeedPositionfixes to supress warnings by bifbof in
* BUG: Fix dtype change in `_explode_agg` by bifbof in
* TST: Catch warnings for UTC conversions by bifbof in
* BUG: Fix osna idxmax over labels without any accumulated time by bifbof in
* ENH: Replace df.append with pd.concat (Future warning) by bifbof in
* ENH: `_split_overlap` splits now exactly on border by bifbof in
* ENH: Refactor file IO by bifbof in
* ENH: Handle shapely 2.0 deprecation warnings by bifbof in
* CLN: Remove unused columns in SQL model by bifbof in
* ENH: Simplified logic in `_split_overlaps` by bifbof in
* DOC: change data model figure by hong2223 in
* Issue 396 by henrymartin1 in
* BLD: new release number by hong2223 in

**Full Changelog**:


This release adds the final part of the Trackintel data model, namely *tours*. The new functions allows to aggregate *trips* into *tours*, which are defined as a sequence of trips that starts and ends at the same location. Tours can also be read with geopandas or from PostGIS databases now. Furthermore, other functions were improved and the documentation was enriched with more examples.

Release for enhacements and new functionality
ENH: Tour generation (287)
ENH: Enable postgis integration for tours (356)
ENH: Enable tours to be generated from_geopandas (348)
ENH: Redo read_geolife for smaller memory footprint (354)

Other new features and bug fixes:
ENH: embed version number (323)
ENH: use pd.Grouper for tracking quality (359)
ENH: Add geom_col for read_csv functions (351)
BUG: Fix reading multiple timezones from postgis (331)
BUG: Maintain index dtype for sp. (322)

Documentation, testing and cleanups
DOC: Add missing examples geogr functions. (345)
DOC: Add missing examples/arguments to io-csv docstrings. (344)
CLN: Add examples to preprocessing functions (349)
CLN: Add examples for visualization functions (350)
ENH: Add pygeos to requirements (355)
CLN: Change labels from defaultdict to dict (360)
CLN: Handle preprocessing tests warnings (352)
CLN: Remove user from model (346)
CLN: update documentation and fix datatype issues in staypoint merging (347)
CLN: Turn copy_docstring to a protected function. (338)
CLN: Fix names for trackintel datatypes (313)
DOC: fix error in documentation of staypoint merging (327)
CLN: move user_id definition into fixture


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
- henrymartin1
- bifbof
- NinaWie
- hong2223
- abcnishant007


Release for enhacements and new functionality
ENH: function to aggregate staypoints horizontally (297)
ENH: support for empty generation (317)

Other new features and enhancements:
EHN: _check_gdf_planar()_ function checks whether gdf has planer crs and reproject if needed (316)
BUG: threshold in _generate_staypoints()_ function now strictly filter missing records (321)
BUG: ensure no infinite loop occur in _split_overlaps()_ function (315)
BUG: explode function now only called on dataframes (311)
BUG: fixed boundary problem for linestrings (306)
BUG: _geolife_add_modes_to_triplegs_ assign only one label to geolife triplegs (303)
ENH: read_gpd available for read_postgis functions (302)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
- abcnishant007
- NinaWie
- henrymartin1
- hong2223


New features and enhancements:
ENH: Default to geometry for read_*_gpd functions. (298)
ENH: Parallel version for generate functions (291)
ENH: test data guidelines (284)
CLN: trips as geodataframe with start and end coordinates (271)

Bug fixes
BUG: Only numerical data for "user_id". (296)
BUG: Workaround for write_locations_postgis extent column. (290)
BUG: Handle less entries than labels for location identifier. (275)

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
- abcnishant007
- bifbof
- henrymartin1
- hong2223
- NinaWie


As more and more people start using trackintel regularly in their research work we could identify and fix several bugs leading to an even more stable version of trackintel. Apart from those this release features a significant update for speed and stability for our trip generation algorithm (220) and a better support for the interaction with postgis (264). We also updated our documentation style and we now have links to the source code and a better contrast for our function highlighting (237). Finally, starting from this release our trackintel accessors show the correct docstrings (274).

New features and enhancements:
ENH: Cleaner and faster trip generation (220)
ENH: Copy docstring for accessor methods. (274)
ENH: Update read_*_postgis functions. (264)
ENH: gap_threshold for generate_stps (254)
ENH: Added links to source codes (237)

Bug fixes
BUG: fixed 279 + tests (282)
BUG: Index error in pre_filter_locations (276)
BUG: Fix tripleg generation (283)
BUG: Fix errors occuring in geolife tripleg generation (238)

Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
- abcnishant007
- bifbof
- henrymartin1
- hong2223
- NinaWie


Release for a major bug fix
**BUG: Fix errors occuring in geolife tripleg generation (238)**

Other new features and enhancements:
CLN: Access geometry via geom_col attribute without renaming (265)
ENH: Added links to source codes (237)
ENH: gap_threshold for generate_stps (254)


Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
- abcnishant007
- NinaWie
- henrymartin1
- hong2223

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