This release adds the final part of the Trackintel data model, namely *tours*. The new functions allows to aggregate *trips* into *tours*, which are defined as a sequence of trips that starts and ends at the same location. Tours can also be read with geopandas or from PostGIS databases now. Furthermore, other functions were improved and the documentation was enriched with more examples.
Release for enhacements and new functionality
ENH: Tour generation (287)
ENH: Enable postgis integration for tours (356)
ENH: Enable tours to be generated from_geopandas (348)
ENH: Redo read_geolife for smaller memory footprint (354)
Other new features and bug fixes:
ENH: embed version number (323)
ENH: use pd.Grouper for tracking quality (359)
ENH: Add geom_col for read_csv functions (351)
BUG: Fix reading multiple timezones from postgis (331)
BUG: Maintain index dtype for sp. (322)
Documentation, testing and cleanups
DOC: Add missing examples geogr functions. (345)
DOC: Add missing examples/arguments to io-csv docstrings. (344)
CLN: Add examples to preprocessing functions (349)
CLN: Add examples for visualization functions (350)
ENH: Add pygeos to requirements (355)
CLN: Change labels from defaultdict to dict (360)
CLN: Handle preprocessing tests warnings (352)
CLN: Remove user from model (346)
CLN: update documentation and fix datatype issues in staypoint merging (347)
CLN: Turn copy_docstring to a protected function. (338)
CLN: Fix names for trackintel datatypes (313)
DOC: fix error in documentation of staypoint merging (327)
CLN: move user_id definition into fixture
Thanks to everyone who contributed to this release!
- henrymartin1
- bifbof
- NinaWie
- hong2223
- abcnishant007