Binance data downloading added. Python 3.11, Python 3.12 and Pandas 2.x compatibility fixes.
- Add: `BinanceDownloader.fetch_approx_asset_trading_start_date()` to figure out when asset was listed on Binance
- Fix: `BinanceDownloader` timestamps to be UTC
- Add: Example script how to download Binance data for multiple assets and write in a single Parquet file
- Upgrade to support Python 3.12 with breaking `datetime.datetime.utcnow()` changes
- Upgrade to support Pandas 2.x with breaking `pd.Timestamp.utcnow()` changes
- Upgrade to web3-ethereum-defi latest with Python 3.12 compatibilty
- Upgrade to `pyarrow` 14.0 for Python 3.12 compatibility
- `datetime.datetime.utcnow()` and `datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp` workarounds - we do not need timezones that unnecessarily bloat data size
- Add `naive_utcnow` for Python 3.12 compatibility
- Add `naive_utcfromtimestamp` for Python 3.12 compatibility
- Change from `pd.Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp()` to `pd.Timestamp.utcfromtimestamp().tz_localize(None)` when needed