- Wikipedia link for DetrendedPriceOscillator
- Renaming of Stochastic and Williams lines to include "perc" (originally %)
- Removal of specific plotnames in MovingAverages
- Williams renamed to WilliamsR for accuracy and line renamed to percR
- Stochastic lines renamed to percK and percD from kperc and dperc for
- StochasticFull added (3 lines)
- CrossOver, CrossUp, CrossDown indicators and documentation
- Correct broker usage in "close" operation
- Operations observer plotting style changed to "full"
- BuySell observer plotting style changed to full and buy color changed to
lime for visibility
- Broker correction of initial commission assigment. Introduced error when
adding support for optimization
- Added indicators: Envelope, SMAEnvelope, EMAEnvelope, SMMAEnvelope,
WMAEnvelope, KAMAEnvelope (tests and docs included)
- Corrected label plotting when a LineSeries object is passed as label
- Documentation and test for CommissionInfo