Bug Fixes
- **docker**: Add ability to replace USE_HOST
If a `TRAME_USE_HOST` environment variable is defined, then this will replace `USE_HOST` in the
final copy of the launcher json file.
If `TRAME_USE_HOST` contains `://`, then this will replace `ws://USE_HOST` instead.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Avery <patrick.averykitware.com>
- **docker**: Add additional build options
This allows the user to separate out building the venv, launcher, and www.
The default behavior is that all will build if they do not exist. If they do exist, then they will
not be built.
However, the user can now select some options via a `TRAME_BUILD` environment variable. If this
string contains (single or any combination of) "venv", "launcher", or "www", then those respective
parts will be re-built, even if they already exist.
Additionally, a "no_www" can be specified in the `TRAME_BUILD` environment variable, which indicates
to skip the `www` generation, even if it does not exist.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Avery <patrick.averykitware.com>
- **docker**: Add build.sh script for easier builds
Any arguments that you provide it get put into `TRAME_BUILD`, so you can add arguments like `no_www`
or `venv`.
Signed-off-by: Patrick Avery <patrick.averykitware.com>
- **examples**: Reformat using black
- **markdown**: Provide encoding at read time
- **readme**: Handle typos
Minor edits
- **Selection**: Add paraview remote rendering selection example
- **selection**: Update pv selection with clear and click
- **Style**: Add global css style example