Added - Option to trace spectra using CCF instead; implemented gaussian and double gaussian (useful for SOSS). - Various CCF utilities. - Set by default no gaussian filtering on the tracing; variable median filter window (and optional outlier detection with it). - Create c-functions that perform CCF against gaussian, double gaussian and arbitrary functions (x40, speed increase) - Made c-functions the default for CCF while tracing. - Added the `tests` folder; these could become unit tests. Changed - Bumped version number.
Added - The `jwst` class which can reduce JWST data using the JWST pipeline. - Added `stage1` master function to `jwst` to reduce SOSS data. - Added `LOOM` model to `stage1` --- this replaces the refpix step in this script. - Now `jwst` checks for already existing outputs so steps don't run again if products already produced. Changed - Name of simple extraction in `transitspectroscopy.spectroscopy` from `getSimpleExtraction` to `getSimpleSpectrum`.
Added - A `` script showcasing the usability of the code for spectral extraction. Fixed - Input problems for spectral extraction. Coda has been verified (but not validated extensively)
Added - First (working but not tested) version of the spectroscopic algorithms. - Installation files, `README`, this `CHANGELOG`, `LICENCE`. Upgraded - `setup.cfg` file has metadata info with long description.