* 2f72b1c Version 0.1.4. * 2079f0d Update github workflows. * c8dd159 Increase wait time and reduce request on a long wait time. * c5dfd2c Add line detection configs. * aa06211 Don't convert images if not necessary. * 35fd8c5 Try refreshing auth token wenn getting a 401 response.
* 539769a Version 0.1.3 * 40ef280 Update copyright year. * b0d96d3 Fix tests workflow. * 5ff22cd Remove dispatch option from release workflow. * 767dcfb Update pre-commit config. * 931d2e9 Update README. * 73dda16 Rewrite proceessing and status function.
* f1398c8 Version 0.1.2 * 3a9b3a6 Fix release workflow. * c63c80c Add manual trigger release workflow. * 6af7b8b Fix is_finished not returning true and __call__ changing dict in for loop. * 613e9cf Fix workflows.