* Released on 17th April 2019. * Fixed discovery of monolingual files in root. * Improved detection of non language paths.
* Released on 20th March 2019. * Improved detection of translation with full language code. * Improved detection of language code in directory and file name. * Improved detection of language code separated by full stop. * Added detection for app store metadata files. * Added detection for JSON files. * Ignore symlinks during discovery. * Improved detection of matching pot files in several corner cases. * Improved detection of monolingual Gettext.
* Released on 22nd January 2019. * Discover Joomla INI files.
* Released on 6th December 2018. * Code restructuring. * Better handling of multiple language codes in path. * Extended test cases.
* Released on 30th November 2018. * Added detection for monolingual Gettext, XLIFF and web extension. * Detect new base for Gettext and Qt TS. * Detect encoding of properties files. * Automatically import Transifex configuration.
* Released on 19th October 2018. * Initial release.