Full Changelog
- **Live Data:** Data across the entire API suite is now fully live. In alpha, all data was delayed by 10 blocks (around ~3 minutes). In beta, we’re now handling block reorganization and can provide accurate historical and live data within seconds of new blocks being added to the network.
- **Paths:** Instead of specifying `api.transpose.io/v0/nft/nfts-by-date-minted`, you will only need to do `api.transpose.io/nft/nfts-by-date-minted`. That said, this change will be backwards compatible so your old code will still work.
- Removing the Transpose CDN (Content Delivery Network) in its entirety. This includes NFT images and media, collection icons, and token icons. Our CDN saw little use in comparison to the rest of the API suite. As such, in the short term, we will stop maintaining the CDN. In the long term, if there is demand for such data, we will revisit this effort with a dedicated team.
Block API
- Overhauling the Account data model to include the following fields: `address`, `type`, `last_active_timestamp`, `created_timestamp`, and `creator`. The `eth_balance` field can still be access in the Token API with the Native Token endpoints.
- Removing the `category`, `method_id`, and `method_args` fields in the Transaction data model.
- Removing the `raw_block_data_url` field in the Block data model.
- Removing the `blocks-by-hash` endpoint in the Block endpoints.
- Removing the `contract-executions-by-account`, `contract-executions-by-contract`, and `contract-executions-by-contract-method` endpoints in the Transaction endpoints.
- Adding the `transactions-by-account` endpoint in the Transaction endpoints.
- Removing all Internal Transaction endpoints, including `internal-transactions-by-transaction`, `internal-transactions-by-block`, and `internal-transactions-by-date`.
- Adding the `contracts-by-creator` endpoint to the Accounts endpoints to allow users to retrieve all contracts deployed by a certain account.
- The `primary-ens-records-by-account` has been renamed to `ens-records-by-account`.
- Removing the `ens-records-by-node`, `ens-records-by-resolver`, and `ens-transfers-by-node` endpoints.
- Removing the `approved_address` field in the NFT Info data model.
- Removing the `nfts-by-approved-account` endpoint in the NFT Info endpoints.
- Removing all Operator endpoints, including `operators-by-contract-address` and `operators-by-account`.
- Removing all Approval Activity endpoints, including `nft-approvals`, `nft-approvals-by-contract-address`, `nft-approvals-by-token-id`, `nft-approvals-by-account`, `operator-approvals`, `operator-approvals-by-contract-address`, and `operator-approvals-by-account`.
- Removing `confirmed` parameter from all Sale Activity endpoints — data will be live with full handling of block reorganization.
Token API
- Removing all Operator endpoints, including `operators-by-contract-address` and `operators-by-account`.
- Removing all Approval Activity endpoints, including `operator-approvals`, `operator-approvals-by-contract-address`, and `operator-approvals-by-account`.
- Removing `confirmed` parameter from all Swap Activity endpoints — data will be live with full handling of block reorganization.