- from now partitions with fs in ['nfs4','btrfs'] are considered physical volumes - also partitions mounted on /tmp with tmpfs will be considered physical volumes - `trash-list --all-users` to see trash from all users
- Now supports p9 (WSL 2 volumes) as location for trash dirs - trash-list --volumes to list all the recognized volumes - trash-list --debug-volumes - Fix links to trash specification David Auer
- fix a bug that made `trash-list --size` to crash if it found a broken link in the trash directory files pull request https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/pull/233 thanks to: https://github.com/jamescherti - trash-empty do not list trash directories that does not exist pull request https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/pull/237 thanks to: https://github.com/jack1142 - Fix trash-empty not showing nfs mountpoints pull request: https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/pull/230 thanks to https://github.com/masgouri - Fix perms for user's trash folder pull request: https://github.com/andreafrancia/trash-cli/pull/239 thanks to https://github.com/jack1142
- trash-restore exits gracefully if the user enters Ctrl+D, thanks to https://github.com/mtoohey31
- trash-empty detect when input is interactive and asks before emptying trash - trash-empty learnt the -i/--interactive option - trash-empty option --all-users is no longer hidden