
Latest version: v3.25.0

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* Upgrade vendored BWIPP to its 2024-08-17 release.
This version includes many small improvements.
You can read its changelog in the `treepoem repo <>`__.

* Drop Python 3.8 support.

* Support Python 3.13.



* Use |importlib.resources|__ on Python 3.9+, which should allow treepoem to work when installed in different packaging scenarios like with zipimport or PyInstaller apps.

.. |importlib.resources| replace:: ``importlib.resources``

Thanks to HemantShrimali1982 for the initial report in `Issue 273 <>`__.



* Fixed text positioning to avoid cropping after upgrade to BWIPP 2023-07-23.

Thanks to Nico Hein in `PR 496 <>`__.

* Update EPS generation to follow the `BWIPP recommendation <>`__.
This change improves image quality including anti-aliased text, but slightly changes image dimensions for some barcode types.

This change also modifies the return type of ``generate_barcode()`` from ``PIL.EpsImagePlugin.EpsImageFile`` to its superclass ``PIL.Image.Image``.
In most cases, this change will be transparent, as most methods on ``EpsImageFile``, such as ``save()``, are inherited from ``Image``.

Done with guidance from BWIPP creator Terry Burton in `PR 499 <>`__.



* Added ``scale`` parameter to ``generate_barcode()`` and ``-s``/``--scale`` option to the command line.
Changing the scale changes the pixels in the output image.



* Upgrade vendored BWIPP to its 2023-07-23 release.
This version includes several improvements, including removing borders on some barcode types.
You can read its changelog in the `treepoem repo <>`__.



* Drop Python 3.7 support.

* Upgrade vendored BWIPP to its 2023-07-05 release.
This version includes a bunch of improvements, including more validation and changing Aztec Code to generate only full-range symbols by default.
You can read its changelog in the `treepoem repo <>`__.

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