* Fixed bug when reading a Newick (or Nexus) with edge parameters * Example: A node with label `447[blahblahblah]` is now correctly read such that `node.label == '447'` and `node.edge_params == 'blahblahblah'` * Thanks for catching that, pekarj!
* Fixed bug when computing average branch length of a tree with leaves without branch lengths (thanks, richardmansfield!)
* Fixed default behavior of `contract_low_support` to not contract leaves
* Simplified `contract_low_support` fix
* Fixed bug in `traverse_rootdistorder` when node doesn't have branch length * Fixed bug in `contract_low_support` when leaf nodes also have numeric labels * Fixed bug in `diameter` to support one-node trees and to support trees with unifurcations
* Fixed bug printing Newick string of tree without root edge length