Released on Nov 30 2012.
- Added "Partial play" implementation.
- Worked well in many Python versions, 2.5, 2.6, 2.7, 3.1, 3.2, 3.3 and many
interpreters, CPython, `Jython`_, `PyPy`_.
- Supported that using dictionaries as a ``rating_group`` to choose specific
player's rating simply.
- Added shorcut functions for 2 players individual match, the most usage:
:func:`rate_1vs1` and :func:`quality_1vs1`,
- Renamed :meth:`TrueSkill.transform_ratings` to :meth:`TrueSkill.rate`.
- Renamed :meth:`TrueSkill.match_quality` to :meth:`TrueSkill.quality`.
.. _Jython: http://jython.org/
.. _PyPy: http://pypy.org/